If I had to pick, raspberries are my absolute favourite berry, so it was only a matter of time before they ended up in a homemade dessert. I absolutely love this pie and am really happy I tried it. The filling has the kind of tartness that makes you think about it longingly days later. The sour of this pie is perfectly evened out with just a bit of whipped cream. So so good.
Using a homemade pie crust, I slightly adapted this recipe from recipes found at The Messy Baker and Canadian Living.
double pie crust from your favourite recipe
4.5 cups frozen raspberries (a little less than a 600g bag)
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup flour
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp butter
sprinkle of sugar
1. Mix frozen raspberries, sugar, and flour in a bowl and gently toss to coat.
2. Pour berries and sugar mixture into pie crust. I had an 8" pie plate with a homemade crust and it seemed to fit pretty well. Sprinkle lemon juice over berries and dot with butter.
3. I was feeling bold, so I rolled a second pie dough and cut it into strips for a lattice top. I watched a few videos on how to make the lattice and went for it. I brushed the lattice with cream and sprinkled it with sugar.
4. Bake in 425°F oven for 15 minutes. Turn oven down to 350°F and continue baking for an additional 45-60 minutes. I actually baked mine for an additional 70 minutes as the bottom didn't seem brown enough at 60 minutes. The raspberry filling was bubbling and the pie was golden brown when it came out of the oven.
This pie was really, really lovely. It's definitely on my list of desserts that I will make again and again.
No kidding. That's my favorite berry as well. So flippin' good.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fantastic berry, glad you love it too. Also, I found myself saying "flippin'" today and I totally got it from you! haha! Thanks for being a positive influence on me! :)
DeleteThanks for sharing that. Made me laugh. It's a fun word and when it comes out tasty I just can't help myself because it's so flippin good.
Started a 27-Day Smack Down Challenge yesterday. Walking each day, and not being afraid I'll rehurt myself. I don't think rehurt is a word, but I'm keeping it in just the same.
PS: I just got back from my blog. This is funny. We are reading posts at the same time. Such silly girls, we are.
DeleteWe are silly! Love that too. Nice to catch up with you!
DeleteHappy about your 27-Day Smack Down Challenge. Cheers to not being afraid of rehurting yourself! You can do it! :)
Which reminds me, it's past seven and I still have to walk. This is what I love about having Monster (our treadmill), in the house. I can do it anytime and in my jams.
DeleteTreadmill is on my wish list!
DeleteThat looks so good!! I tried a maple syrup pie last night, thinking it would be sort of like a big butter tart - it was not. I didn't make it, and I have to say, I will never try to. It was so sweet I had to go brush my teeth after one bite. Your pie though... that I'd like to try. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for saying so. I totally agree with you - some things are really too sweet. Brushing your teeth after one bite? Now that must have been really sweet. It would make my teeth feel fuzzy I'm sure. I like a savoury or sour pie. I tried a peanut butter pie (also I thought it would be like a big butter tart) and it was good, but it was just too much. I didn't crave eating it. But this raspberry pie.... I dreamed about it! :)
DeleteThe plate brings back fond memories of my childhood - my grandmother had the same set of dishes. I don't remember if she ever made raspberry pie (certainly rhubarb and probably apple), but it's a lovely image none the less. Thank you for the warm fuzzies.
ReplyDeleteAwwww, no problem. Glad it gave you the warm fuzzies! There is a dish set that my Nanny had that has some pieces in my Mom's kitchen now and every time I see them my heart lights up. The tiny little bowls always make me think of vanilla ice cream.
DeleteThanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment! Really appreciate it! :)
Mmmm, raspberrry! Have a slice for me!! :)
ReplyDeleteWill do! :)
DeleteWow!! That is one great-looking pie. Cheers!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for saying so! I was really happy with how it worked out! Cheers! :)