Well I've flipped my calendar and am celebrating the arrival of June. The weather has been great (hot!), the packs of mosquitos are thinning, and it is finally raining. It has been far too long since we had a good rain and the sight of it this afternoon is making my heart smile. My flowers are smiling too. My cat, however, is hiding. She is not one for rain.

May didn't leave without a fight though; John and I both got colds. Mine is just a head cold (manageable), but he has both a head and a chest cold and is sick sick sick. No fun. Luckily I did a big shop for groceries and we have lots of easy meals to choose from. Tonight will be bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toast. A little breakfast for dinner to heal us right up.

The last day of May also included an unexpected shock as I made myself some chicken noodle soup:

The bottom of my soup bowl fell out! While it was full of soup! Thankfully the soup wasn't hot (it was pre-microwave), so the counter and the floor just got covered in cold, wet, soup. Kinda gross. I'm sorry to lose the soup bowl, as it's been a favourite since the early 2000s. I suppose I'm happy it lasted as long as it did. Plus the chicken noodle soup was on sale for $0.50, so I'm glad it happened with it, and not the fancy $2 soups I recently purchased.

So Happy June, Friends! I'm going to spend the rest of the day nursing my cold, listening to the rain, and reading. Sounds like a good, relaxing start to the month.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, June 02, 2014 10 comments


  1. Great to hear from you. Happy June indeed. Here's to you both feeling all the way better before the snow starts again. Which, really, could be any day now.

    1. It is over 30°C today (about 86°F), so at least it won't snow today! :)

    2. I don't know what it is today. Instead of being outside, I'm propped up on the couch, clipping coupons and watching The Nanny on DVD. Came out for another cuppa.

      Though I hear the birds outside and they sound HAPPY!

    3. Sounds like a good day. Nothing wrong with being indoors on a hot day...especially if you need it. I'm feeling better today so I'm going to walk down and get the mail and get some of that sun. They are calling for thunderstorms now, but it doesn't like it yet.

      Enjoy the Nanny. That would be a fun one to re-watch.

  2. snow, really happy? anydiddles, pretty black bowl. sorry it broke - well, if it had to break, better with .50 soup than 2.00 soup. sorry your sick. please, get well soon - you and john. nothing like a summer cold. any room for a guest. i just love breakfast for dinner (smile) - serving my fave. although you know a good batch of homemade chicken soup cures what ails us. cheers!!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes... The breakfast for dinner was amazing, I will set you a plate next time. We even had orange juice with it -- sometimes I feel like I live at a diner the food is so good!

      Definitely trying again for chicken noodle soup today. I am drinking lots of liquids and hope to be 100% soon. Cheers!!

  3. Boo. I hate it when stuff like that happens. I always see it as a sign that I should be in bed with a book. (Although, I see lots of things as a sign I should be in bed with a book!) Sorry you're feeling off, hope you're doing better soon. *hug*

    1. Thanks so much. Ya, May was definitely a month of "should have stayed in bed". Plus I have soooooo many books to read, I would have been able to cross some off my list! :) *hugs* to you too, my friend.


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