order and definitely not exhaustive). As we have a few weeks left of this too-much-snow winter, it is nice to be reminded of happy things.
1. The smell and taste of the first sip of fresh brewed coffee.
2. The sound Gary makes when she knows she is about to get treats.
3. Food - especially tacos and all types of snackies.
4. Good Talks.
5. Deals, coupons, grocery flyers...purchasing anything for less than regular price.
6. Getting obsessed with a song and realizing I've already heard it 40 times on repeat.
7. Sending and receiving mail; choosing or creating an amazing greeting card.
8. Clementines and pomegranates.
9. Waking up to find a cat somewhere on the bed.
10. Finishing a project (knitted, scrapbooked, etc.) and obsessively looking at it over and over.
11. Helping older people at the grocery store retrieve things from the top shelf (I'm at a height advantage).
12. A walk on a sunny day with the iPod.
13. Sleepovers at the family apartment complex.
14. Relaxing after cleaning the whole house (including all the laundry!)
15. Photos. I love photos, albums, frames, scrapbooks - the whole package.
16. When John surprises me with warm jammies from the dryer.
17. Home alone dance party.
18. Marathoning TV on DVD.
19. Spending the whole day in comfy clothes.
20. Compliments from strangers about the sweater my Grandma made.
21. Sleeping like a rock in clean sheets.
22. When the due date for library books lines up perfectly with a requested book coming off hold.
23. The smell of spring.
24. The internet. I have a healthy addiction to that shit!
25. Getting re-obsessed with a band I haven't listened to in years.
oooh! Number 22! It's so perfect when that happens. *happy sigh*