Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
I grew up on a beef cattle farm so a meat and potatoes dinner is not only full of wonderful flavours but great memories too. There are many ways to prepare and season a beef roast, and I am very fond of the easy one pot meal.

-Beef Roast (ours was 1.5 lbs)
-Spices to taste (we use salt, pepper, garlic salt, and Montreal steak spice)
-Onion and garlic, chopped
-Assorted vegetables for side dishes (today we had potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots)

1. Place roast in 9x13 pan. Season with spices. Surround roast with chopped onion and garlic for flavour.
2. Chop other veggies (potatoes and carrots) and place in pan beside the roast.
3. Add about 1/2 inch of water to pan. Sprinkle with extra spices if desired.
4. Cook in 350°F oven for 1.5 - 2 hours (time will vary on size of roast).
5. Remove veggies and roast from pan and set aside.
6. Strain juices from pan into small pot for gravy.
7. Serve with dinner rolls and enjoy!

This post was originally featured on my friend Kim's blog Meanwhile In the Country in a section called Favorite Recipes Around the World. Please check out Kim's blog for this and many other wonderful recipes.

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, October 03, 2013 8 comments

**Author's Note: I have been going through my drafts folder in Blogger and noticed that sometimes I write cool blog posts and then don't publish them. I wrote the following post a year ago, so this actually happened last August and everyone in the story is now a year older. And maybe I'm a little less anxious now, but don't quote me on that. I have made some edits and additions before publishing. Enjoy! :)**

Our friends Bryan and Betony recently had a baby, adorable little Clara. There are many things to see and experience with a friend's new baby - they learn to stand, they start eating real food, they start crawling all around the house - all in such a short amount of time.  It is amazing how fast she is learning and growing.  Every time we go over there, Clara has a whole new set of awesome skills.  Way to go kid!

I've been around a lot of babies, toddlers, and children in my life, having five nieces and nephews that I adore and multiple friends with little ones. I thought I had a good grip on babies and what they do and how to roll with them. I admit I'm a little nervous around a less-than-a-month-old, but once they seem less breakable I am way more easy going. This easy going attitude was recently tested as I did something I've never done before: I drove around with an eight month old in my car.

Not sure if I've written about it before, but I have some anxiety. It is not all the time, but certain situations (new things/change/the unknown) can trigger a flood of negative and obsessive thoughts that make me feel really overwhelmed. I have been working on minimizing my anxious reactions with the aid of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, specifically The Feeling Good Handbook by David D. Burns (highly recommended!). Even though I'm working on it, I still get thrown for a loop from time to time. Life's a journey, right?

So last week Betony and I had a girls' night that had us driving from Midland to Penetang (which is really not that far) and involved me being the driver. In the space of time between knowing that I would be driving and then actually getting on the road (about ten minutes) I did a really great job of freaking myself out. It sounds silly to get worked up about something as ordinary as driving 5 KM with a kid in the backseat, but the 'This is New' factor triggered my anxiety.

Initially I had some nice thoughts, like: "Wow - thank you for trusting my driving ability with your beautiful baby".  Then my anxious brain kicked in and reminded me that I had never done this before and convinced me that it was a Really Big Deal. The negative thoughts came: driving is dangerous! Babies are delicate! Next I began to wonder if I was even a good driver (spoiler: I am). So my anxiety got me nice and worked up before we headed out.

Once on the road, realization hit that I was just driving a car, which is something I know how to do.  So then my brain transformed all those scary/anxious feelings into feelings of supreme accomplishment for having done something so amazing. I totally drove with a baby in the backseat! Yay me! Life would be a lot easier if I could just skip the terrified part and move strait to the feeling awesome part, but this is who/where I am right now and I'm happy to say I'm working on it. I will get there.

We safely drove to Penetang and enjoyed some really tasty food at Union Burger and got to have a fun girls' night despite my initial anxiety. I have some amazing friends, and Betony is one who accepts and supports me despite my quirks. Thanks, buddy! :)

I didn't get a great shot, but here is proof 
there was a baby in my car!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, August 06, 2013 2 comments

My favourite book from 2012 was The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling.

I know I like a book when I can't sleep. I either stay up way too late reading page after page, or I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about a part of the story. With this book I did both of those things.

The plot surrounds a small town council, an empty council seat, and all those involved in vying for power. The plot initially reminded me of Game of Thrones, but instead of seeking the Iron Throne, these characters are fighting to be elected to local government. Not all the characters are likeable, and there are a lot of bad things happen, but I couldn't put the book down.

I think this book works because Rowling is such an excellent storyteller. Each page made me want to know more about these people and made me anxious for what could happen to them. She even made me care about characters I didn't like, which I find amazing.  There are some heavy themes in the book, including domestic violence, child abuse, drug addition, mental health issues, poverty, and classism, but these themes didn't make it any less enjoyable to read. Rowling writes in such a way that despite the tragic elements, I was still enthralled by the story and desperate to know how it would play out.

The Casual Vacancy had the potential to be a complete disaster, and I'm filled with "Team Rowling" pride that it wasn't. Writing anything after of the success of Harry Potter had to be a gamble, especially in a different genre, and the pressure for it to be 'good' had to be great. Not everyone liked the book, but I really enjoyed it and I applaud Rowling for having the guts to go for it and try something new. It find that very inspiring.

This book review was part of the Author Appreciation Day Blog Hop, happening over at Book Reviews by Sus.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, May 03, 2013 8 comments

Book Reviews with Sus is hosting an Author Appreciation Blog Hop tomorrow.

The goal of the blog hop is to promote doing book reviews and rating books for authors.
I have been reading a lot of books lately and even joined Goodreads in January to encourage myself to read more. I am pretty good at rating a book when I finish it (you just have to click which star you like!), but I haven't actually reviewed a book yet. So tomorrow's blog hop is going to challenge me to do just that! Do you have a book you feel like rating or reviewing? 

If you are up for reviewing/rating a book tomorrow, hop over to Book Reviews by Sus and join up so everyone can read your review! 

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, May 02, 2013 4 comments
A friend of mine is marking one year free of cigarettes today and is having a get together to celebrate. According to her count, over the past year she did not smoke 9500 cigarettes! That is amazing! I bet her lungs feel great!

A congratulatory card was needed to commemorate her achievement. Over the past few months I have gotten out of the habit of making my own cards, but I've been socializing with quite a few card making bloggers recently and it has inspired me to get back into it.

For this card I did a spin on the saying 'quitters never win', changing it up to 'quitters always win", as they always do when they quit smoking!

When I first looked at the finished card I thought the design looked like a quilting square. I quickly read over the words and it looked like it said 'quilters always win'.  It is true that quilters always win. The way the card turned out may mean that I'm subconsciously into quilters, but I accept that.

So a big congratulations to my friend celebrating her 1st year smoke free! And many more to come!

Posted by Jen B On Saturday, March 30, 2013 12 comments

The Happy Whisk
is giving away e-books to celebrate reaching 444 blog posts on her amazing blog!

She is accepting comments on her blog for the next 4 days so head on over and leave her a comment for your chance to win!

Posted by Jen B On Monday, March 04, 2013 6 comments
Welcome to the new look!

We are now live with My Adorable Small Town Life 2.0.  Many thanks to my partner John for all his effort behind the scenes to make the code do what the code is supposed to do. The new design has neat features like a slideshow on the front page and a search function! What fun!

Coinciding with the new look, I have also joined Twitter and Google+, so feel free to follow me!

Posted by Jen B On Monday, March 04, 2013 4 comments
It is the last weekend in January and I still have my Christmas decorations up.  It is not because I am lazy (or tacky), it is just that I really like the glow of Christmas Tree lights.  Plus the cat has a pretty cool hideout under the tree.

I'm taking everything down today, but thought I'd ask what your tradition is.  Do you decorate for the holidays? How long before you take everything down? Are you judging me for keeping mine up for all of January? When I was growing up, there were some decorations that stayed up for years, so an extra month is an improvement on what I was taught. We are a funny bunch!

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, January 27, 2013 4 comments
There is something in the blogging community called Liebster Awards, and in the past few weeks I have been nominated for two! There are designed to promote socializing on blogs which I am often neglectful of. 

Here are the rules of recieving an award:

“The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 300 twitter followers and the rules of the award are that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It’s a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow.”

Because I recieved two awards and because I am bad at socializing, I am abandoning the rules and just going to answer the questions my fellow bloggers put forth to me. Always a rebel.

Here are the questions from Just a Mum?, followed by my answers.

1. If you could learn any one skill overnight, what would it be and why? I would love to just know how to play guitar. I have tried to learn a few times, but am too impatient and have a really hard time moving my fingers to change chords. I am even bad at it while playing Rock Band.

2. What music do you listen to when you're feeling down? Sad music for sure. The words are clearer and more meaningful, the notes are felt more deeply, I get my sad out.  My favourties for those types of days are Alanis Morrisette, David Gray, and Ben Folds.

3. When's the last time you were stupid happy? Probably the last time I had Spicy Tuna Rolls - so New Year's Day.

4. If I gave you a t-shirt with a picture of bacon on it, would you wear it? Yes I would.  I like both free stuff and bacon.

5. In your opinion, what is the perfect food? In general it is tacos. On special occasions it is sushi.

6. Go to a party, or stay home with a book? I would probably go to the party, but if I was halfway through an exciting book, I might keep reading when I got home (even if it was super late).

7. Who would you most like to be trapped in an elevator with? Because I am currently watching Justified, I would have to say U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens.

8. Do you watch the news? Why, or why not?  No, I actually hate the news. When really bad events happen I don't even go to Facebook because my newsfeed is full of real news.  The news is generally negative and promotes a lot of fear.  I don't need that in my life.

9. Servers start singing Happy Birthday to you at a restaurant: Do you cringe and endure, or sing along? I probably do a little 'sitting a the table' dance. And turn bright red.

10. Name a singer/song that you're embarrassed to admit you love. I'm trying to think of one but I'm pretty proud of all my music choices.  Even the bad stuff, I'd happily admit to loving.

11. If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be? Watching more Justified while eating a double order of Spicy Tuna Rolls.

Here are the questions from Awesomesauce & Other Experiments, followed by my answers.

1. Vanilla ice cream: a cop out instead of getting real ice cream flavours or truly fantastic on its own? Truly fantastic on its own (reminds me of my Nanny), though I would never pick it first.

2.  Are you one of those people who can only wear black socks, or do your feet get to have some fun colours and patterns? I generally wear grey socks, but there was a time in my life I had a cool sock source and wore a lot of fun colours, patterns, and lengths (even knee highs!).

3. What is your preferred method of caffeination? Coffee in the morning. Tea in the afternoon.

4. If you had to choose a domesticated animal as a house pet and could not choose a dog or a cat, what would you pick?  Bunny rabbit.

5. What do you want science to create in an easily commercially available way first: teleportation a la Star Trek or hover skateboards a la Back to the Future? Teleportation is a must!

6.  Unicorns or centaurs? Unicorns!

7.  Favourite food that tastes like purple? Blueberry muffins from a mix, where there is no real blueberry at all.  I love that flavour.

8.  Which do you believe is the better movie trilogy: original Star Wars (pre-Lucas mucking things about) or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings (extended even!), but I do have a fondness for Star Wars as well.

9.  What is your favourite childhood song (eg. Down by the Bay, The Cat Came Back, etc)? Down by the Bay is pretty classic.

10.  What do you usually have for breakfast? Steel cut oats mixed with cinnamon, 1 tbs dried cranberries, and 2 tbs chopped walnuts.

11.  Pancakes or French toast? Pancakes. I have always viewed french toast as a waste of milk and eggs.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, January 25, 2013 4 comments
It is Elmvale Fair weekend in these parts, and though I wasn't attending the fair, I was in Elmvale yesterday to pick up some Library goodies.

As I exited my car, I had the following exchange with a young father, who was with his 3-year-old-ish son.

"Hey Kidless!" He jokingly called to me.  "You want a kid? Maybe you could take him to the fair?"

"Uh...I'm okay" I said politely. "Thanks anyways!" 

And we both laughed.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, October 05, 2012 1 comment
Canada flag halifax 9 -04

Canada is celebrating 145 years today!! I hope you are having a great one!!

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, July 01, 2012 No comments
Tag! I'm it.  Skwishee over at Just a Mum? tagged me in a random questions/random facts game.  I have been bad at answering the call of being tagged (I completely missed Awards Season this year!), so I am jumping on this opportunity before too much time goes by.  TashaB over at Awesomesauce & Other Experiments already responded with her answers and facts and now it's my turn! 

Ten Questions from Skwishee at Just a Mum?

1. Name a book that somehow changed you. How?

I guess it would be Lightning by Dean Koontz because it was the first adult book I remember reading. It had time travel, a female lead, and a character who met Paul McCartney.  It had everything my tween heart would love and it got me interested in reading books. 

2. If someone were to cook you the perfect meal, what would it be?

It would be the Ultimate Feast from Red Lobster, so I would need a chef from Red Lobster to come to my house please! 

3. Who do you want to be when you grow up?

This girl *points at self*, but older.

4. You find a wallet containing $20,000 on the ground, containing no identification. What do you do?

I would have to do as TashaB described and turn it in to the police.  If it was $20, however, I would be eating take out for dinner.

5. Name one completely irrational fear that you've got.

Just one? But I experience at least ten a day! I'll go with Monsters murdering me in the night.

6. Give me three songs that you're embarrassed to admit you like.

Banjo - Rascal Flatts
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
I'd Really Love To See You Tonight - England Dan and John Ford Coley 

7. What is one thing you absolutely love about yourself?

I love that I don't give a shit what I wear around the house/in the backyard.  The teen boys that live next store are getting a real life glimpse about what thirty-something girls are like! The colours never match, there are socks AND sandals, and of course oodles of track pants.  I told John yesterday that I am glad I am not a celebrity, because every week I would appear on the "Trash Your Stylist" list!

8. If you could be doing ANYTHING right now, what would it be?

Except for writing on my blog at the moment, I would love to be catching up on episodes of the BBC's Sherlock.  I think Martin Freeman is dreamy and funny.

9. What's the best thing that happened to you this week?

I went on an 11km bike ride today and it was amazing!

10. If you could perfect one skill overnight, what would it be?

I would really love to play guitar.  I have tried to learn a few times but I have gotten frustrated because I can't move my fingers fast enough to make chords.  I even suck at Rock Band guitar.  If I could learn overnight, that would be great! 

11. Tea or coffee?

I have to go with Coffee because I will always have a strong love for a Timmy's double double. I gave up drinking coffee in January and switched to Green tea, which I also love, but I could never forget my first love.  Coffee is now a treat, and incidentally a treat I have been indulging in all week!

Part two of the game is listing 11 random facts about myself, but I can't get it together to do that at the moment.  I will save the list for another day!  Stay tuned! :)

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, June 14, 2012 3 comments
Inspired by Just A Mum...?, the following is a list of 25 things that make me happy (in no particular
order and definitely not exhaustive).  As we have a few weeks left of this too-much-snow winter, it is nice to be reminded of happy things.

1. The smell and taste of the first sip of fresh brewed coffee.

2. The sound Gary makes when she knows she is about to get treats.

3. Food - especially tacos and all types of snackies.

4. Good Talks.

5. Deals, coupons, grocery flyers...purchasing anything for less than regular price.

6. Getting obsessed with a song and realizing I've already heard it 40 times on repeat.

7. Sending and receiving mail; choosing or creating an amazing greeting card. 

8. Clementines and pomegranates.

9. Waking up to find a cat somewhere on the bed.

10. Finishing a project (knitted, scrapbooked, etc.) and obsessively looking at it over and over.

11. Helping older people at the grocery store retrieve things from the top shelf (I'm at a height advantage).

12. A walk on a sunny day with the iPod.

13. Sleepovers at the family apartment complex.

14. Relaxing after cleaning the whole house (including all the laundry!)

15. Photos.  I love photos, albums, frames, scrapbooks - the whole package.

16. When John surprises me with warm jammies from the dryer.

17. Home alone dance party.

18.  Marathoning TV on DVD.

19. Spending the whole day in comfy clothes.

20. Compliments from strangers about the sweater my Grandma made.

21. Sleeping like a rock in clean sheets.

22. When the due date for library books lines up perfectly with a requested book coming off hold.

23. The smell of spring.

24. The internet.  I have a healthy addiction to that shit!

25. Getting re-obsessed with a band I haven't listened to in years.

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1 comment
The last few months of 2010 I renewed my obsession with scrapbooking.  I only have four layouts left to do in my 2009/2010 scrapbook, which means I am sooooo close to starting my 2010/2011 book!  Wouldn't it be amazing if I actually finished a scrapbook in the same year the photos were taken?  That is the dream people!  I just printed 150 photos, so I am ready to start my new book.  Scrapbooking for the win!    

I am on the mailing list of the Midland scrapbooking store, The Cottage Scrapbook.  This month I noticed they are having a Layout Contest to win $20 store credit.  It costs $7+tax to enter, but you get the card stock and embellishments you need to do the layout.  I went in yesterday and picked up my layout kit and I am excited about doing it.  The theme is 'Christmas 2010' so I am going to look through my photos and see what I can come up with.  The challenge for me will be planning out the project so I don't ruin any of the card stock that was supplied, as you cannot use any paper that isn't in the kit.  I'll also have to practice my lettering ability as you can't use any commercially made letters (I am a sucker for alphabet stickers).  Wish me luck!

If you are in and around Midland and interested in participating, you need to buy your kit by January 21st, and you need to hand in your finished layout by 5:00pm on January 22nd, 2011.  I can't wait to start mine!

The supplies found in the contest kit.

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 No comments

The Bros and I hit the beach again yesterday to continue our long weekend fun.  We would have swam and sat on the beach all day, if only the weather would have cooperated.  We did put in some awesome fun times before the rain hit, (we swam for hours!), but the sun did not want to be our friend this weekend.

The Rain from across the bay - it was only a matter of time before it got us!

A menacing cloud keen on destroying our fun day!

Of course, today the sun is shining and the temperature feels like 34°C out there.  Such is life.  And I have been sneezing all morning and trying to deny the tickle I feel in my throat.  Hopefully this summer cold is short lived and the hot weather sticks around until the weekend for more beach fun!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, August 03, 2010 No comments
My friend Alison recently had a cupcake tasting party, so we could try some vegan cupcakes she has been experimenting with.  The cupcakes are being made for our friend Sarah's upcoming wedding, and due to her lactose intolerance, a vegan recipe is a good way to ensure the bride can enjoy her wedding cupcakes along with her guests.

Since I have been expanding my double pointed needle skills, I thought I would make a knit cupcake to take to the hostess of the tasting party.  Following a pattern I found through Ravelry (the only place I seem to get my patterns now), I knit this quick and easy cupcake.

The cupcakes we sampled were chocolate-banana and vanilla.  Both were good, but the chocolate-banana were exceptional.  I'm looking forward to eating some more at the wedding! :)

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, June 06, 2010 No comments
There was a deal at Shoppers last week where photo prints were only $0.10 each if you bought over 50.  I usually have a full folder on my computer called “to print” just in case a deal like this comes up.  I printed 130 photos, all for scrapbooking purposes.  I will have pages to work on all summer probably!

The Shoppers with the digital photo lab is in Wasaga Beach (about 20 minutes from here), so I dropped the photos off in the afternoon and went back in the evening to pick them up.  The cashier handed them to me and said: “We’re neighbours”.  John then recognized her and said hello and I said hello.  We are in fact neighbours.  Like 20 feet from door to door neighbours.  For a while now.  I have waved at her many times from my bike or while on walks, and I’ve even eaten her baked goods at Christmas.  But until I picked up my photos twenty minutes away from both of our houses, I didn’t know what she looked like up close and I never actually said a real hello.  Funny how that happens. 

I never meant to avoid meeting her properly before now, it just never happened.  I have a smiling and waving comfort zone when it comes to neighbours.  In Toronto I always just smiled and waved at the people I didn’t know in my building, and never actually introduced myself.  I even had countless conversations with people in the laundry room, but never said: “What’s your name?”  When I lived on the main floor of the house that was three apartments, I didn’t even have a smile and wave relationship with the downstairs neighbours; we never met.  Even though we were both there for three years, I have no idea what they looked like.  I only met the upstairs neighbour after a year and a half because he bought the house and became the landlord.  Funny how that happens. 

I’m glad I finally really met my current neighbour.  She likes photos too, and she showed me some photos she took of hummingbirds.  It’s neat that a photo deal in Wasaga Beach allowed us to meet.  Next time, though, I won’t drive so far to say hello.  :)

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, May 26, 2010 No comments
POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT!  With Lost finally coming to a conclusion, the internet has been a-flutter with vocal lovers and haters.  Kudos to the tonnes of bloggers that have already put forth their reviews. Other than saying that I loved the final episode and I am satisfied with how it fits into the rest of the series (regardless of all the unanswered questions and who Sayid ended up with), I'm going to leave it to the many more hard core fans on the internet to write the reviews.  I want to give myself the opportunity to watch the entire series again before I thoroughly judge it beyond my initial reaction.

I celebrated the series finale at my Bro’s, making a few party favours to honour this show that has provided 120 hours of excited "what-is-going-to-happen-next" entertainment.

Following some suggestions from  The Ack Attack, I made the Bro’s and I each a boarding pass to attend the party:

I also picked up some snacks and re-labeled them with the Dharma logos (print your own here):

I am really looking forward to watching all six seasons again so I can experience some “Ooooh!!!  I get it now!!” moments on previous episodes.  Should be fun.

If you are looking for analysis and reviews, both positive and negative, here are some links you should check out to see what people are saying:

Entertainment Weekly

The Ack Attack

io9 (hated it) or io9 (liked it)

Or just Google "Lost Review" and you'll come up with about 300,000 results.  Lots of people are talking about it.

So long Lost! See you in DVD/reruns!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, May 25, 2010 No comments
I’m just going to put it out there that I play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).  I haven’t been playing very long (I am only on my second “campaign”) but I play enough that it was decided that I should have my own set of dice - preferably pink dice.  So we went on a trip to the game store in Barrie and I picked out some pretty cute dice that I can now infuse with my power so they can assist me on my campaigns.  I don’t actually believe that one can infuse dice with power, but my character does, so I’m doing it for her. ;)

I got my dice home and realized I needed a dice bag.  Thanks to my new addiction to Ravelry and all the geeky patterns within, I quickly found at least ten dice bag patterns to choose from.  Only problem - they all involved double pointed needles.

As with most new knitting techniques, I was intimidated to try using double pointed needles (dpn).  I’ve had a set of dpn’s for over a year, but five needles instead of two sounded a little to advanced for my abilities.  That is actually my line of thinking about all new techniques - they must be too advanced for me.  It is silly to think this way, as I have continually proved to myself that I am capable of learning new things, but I still have this hesitation to start projects that have new techniques.  It probably has something to do with my self-imposed perfectionism - that inner voice that is demanding me to “make sure you do it right.”  I just have to keep in mind that trying something new is amazing in itself and if at first I don’t succeed, I can try, try, again.

Thus was my experience in learning to use double pointed needles.  Even with the help of an internet teacher,  it took me three tries to get it right.  My first attempt, I had my stitches cast on evenly across four of the needles, but when I knit them “in the round” I did it in such a way that the needles didn’t come together in a square like they are supposed to.  Oops.  I pulled out the stitches and tried again.

This is wrong somehow...

My second attempt, I got the needles to form a square, but must have crossed my stitches, because it just didn’t look right. Plus one of the needles fell out of the stitches it was holding, which made me a little cranky, and without thinking on how to fix it, I just pulled the rest of the stitches out and prepared to try again.

Third time was the charm.  Something just clicked and I was knitting in the round as if I knew how.  Following my internet instructor's advice, I put a stitch marker on my first needle, so that I would know where the start of my “round” was.  I don’t actually own stitch markers but a twisted pink paperclip worked perfectly for my purposes.  This was incredibly helpful, as I can’t imagine having to remember where the round started - that sounds like far too much counting for me.

Much better...

I am really happy with how my dice bag turned out.  It is adorably pink for my adorably pink D&D dice.

The only problem I experienced with this project, is that by the time I finished, my left hand was cramped and achy from the hours of holding the square of needles.  Plus, the points on my needles are quite sharp, and the index fingertip of my left hand was actually red from repeatedly being stabbed with the right hand needle.  The next project I make with dpn’s, I am going to try and be more aware of how intensely/awkwardly I am holding the work in my left hand, so that I don’t end up with carpal tunnel syndrome.  As for the fingertip stabbing - I wonder if this is what people use thimbles for?  I just might have to get one.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, May 17, 2010 4 comments
Through the magic of the internet I found myself signed up to a social networking site that is specifically for knitters and crocheters.  Called Ravelry, it has been around since 2007 and Wikipedia says it has about 600,000 users.  Well, about 600,001 now.  I don’t exactly need another internet obsession in my life, but now that I have joined, I am so into it.

The hours that I have spent on Ravelry so far have involved setting up my profile and searching the countless patterns available to the community.  In the profile section, you get to list projects you are working on, post photos of finished work, have an RSS feed of your blog, list all the needles you own, and list all the yarn you have on hand. There is even a cool function that lets you save patterns into a page called the “queue”.   The queue lets you keep track of all the patterns you have found online that you want to try.  I already have nine patterns saved in my queue, as I spent the weekend searching through all the different patterns this site has to offer.  There are literally thousands, and many of them are free.  In my extended search I found quite a few patterns that are geek oriented (Star Wars, Firefly, superhero themed) and I’m excited to knit some geeky things in the future.  I put a pattern for knit Chainmail in my queue!  Is that geeky or what?

I haven’t engaged in the social networking aspect of the site yet, but there are hundreds of groups to join - everything from Tim Hortons Lovers to fans of Lord of the Rings.  I have only just grazed the surface of everything there is to find on Ravelry, and I have a feeling I'm going to be completely obsessed by the time I finish exploring it.

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, May 13, 2010 2 comments
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2015 Reading Challenge
Jen has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Jen has read 0 books toward her goal of 25 books.

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Jen has read 5 books toward a goal of 25 books.

Suggested Reading

Suggested Reading

Good Eating

Active and Outdoorsy