There is a bag of knitting sitting on a random shelf that has been there for almost half a year now.  The bag holds a third finished scarf, the required needles, and a few balls of yarn.  The bag also must have my motivation in it, as I have absolutely no desire to finish this project.  The problem I’m finding with this particular scarf is that it is BIG, LONG, and WIDE.  I am using a double strand to make it THICK too.  This scarf also has no pattern, other than stockinette stitch and colour changes where I see fit.  Even though I am using a bigger needle (8mm), the scarf seems to be taking forever.  As I have no pattern, I don’t have the comfort of knowing if I am on row 32 of 65, or 10 of 100.  I have no idea how far along I am, and that makes it seem like it will never be finished.  Also, every time I hold the scarf up around my neck it doesn’t feel or look any longer, which doesn’t reassure me that an end is indeed in sight.

What keeps me from just ripping out all the stitches and washing my hands of this GIANT scarf, is that I really want the finished product.  I am knitting it to match my Grandma’s Coat, and I have already put so much time into it, that it would be a shame not to finish it.  I worked on it for a few hours last week, but now it is back in the bag along with my motivation to complete it.  :(

Is there a project you’re working on that you want to finish but it seems like it will never get done?  Maybe we could encourage one another! :)

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 2 comments


  1. lol... you have *one* project in your knitting bag of shame? Here's a list of the things I have vowed to finish before starting something new: slippers for the littlest one, a set of number beanbags, a painting for my sister, a brooch for my mother, a costume shirt for the big one, a viking helmet made of felt - also for the big one. These things are all in various states of doneness - and unfortunately, since I made the vow, I've kept it... but I still haven't finished anything!!

    I would put the scarf away until September - when there's some chance it will be cold enough to wear it soon, you'll probably have a bit more motivation. Also - it kind of sucks to knit in summer if you're not heavily air conditioned :P

  2. I think you are right - knitting is for the cooler months of the year. Now I can say I'm not knitting it because it is too hot, not that I don't want to do it! :P

    You have lots of projects on the go! And you are doing a garden and raising a family! Wow! I hope you can complete some of your projects - I am so excited to see the viking helmet! We love vikings around here! :)


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