One of our neighbours is a retired baker, and over the weekend she sent over some cupcakes for us to enjoy. They were big. They were marble. There was so much thick, beautiful, chocolate icing, that it was impossible to eat without getting chocolate on my face. Absolutely fantastic.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, February 07, 2014 6 comments
Well this is where a blog would go, if I hadn't started marathoning season one of Breaking Bad.

I'm sick with a cold, and sometimes the right cure is watching an excessive amount of a single TV show. Once, while sick with the flu, I watched a record 23 episodes of Golden Girls. In a row.

I'd only ever seen a handful of Breaking Bad eps, and John has repeatedly suggested I watch it from the beginning...and thanks to this cold, now I finally am.

I'd write more, but the couch and the tv are calling my name...

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, February 06, 2014 4 comments
I've been sick this week with a head cold and even though I know it could be worse, it is still no fun. I have had more energy than I normally do with colds, but I have been forced to take it easy which is way less fun than choosing to take it easy.

Keeping me company as I recover on the couch is The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey extended edition. I have seen this movie about twenty times and I just seem to always have it on, especially this week. It is the comfort I need to just be still and feel better. I've also worked my way through all the bonus features/documentaries and I actually love the movie even more now. Which means it might be staying on repeat even after my cold has passed.

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, February 05, 2014 6 comments
Big jugs of oil were on sale last week, so we got one with the idea that we would plan an elaborate deep fried dinner night. Maybe do onion rings, some vegetable tempura, a heap of french fries, and have a go at southern fried chicken. Well, the oil wasn't in the house 24 hours before John got good and excited about deep fry dinner. We let go of our elaborate plans and just had impromptu southern fried chicken and french fries. We have some oil left, so at some point we'll plan it properly and do "the works".

John worked his magic in the kitchen, first seasoning the chicken thighs and legs.

Then he marinated them in a buttermilk mixture.

And then coated them in flour and various spices.

He deep fried them to get them crispy, then continued cooking them in the oven until done.

He also deep fried a whole bunch of crispy and delicious potato wedges.

Impromptu deep fried dinner was a success! I think I could have eaten ten helpings of the wedges. They were really amazing. Why does deep fry have to taste so good!?!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2 comments
I was invited to write a guest post on my friend Tasha's blog, Awesomesauce & Other Experiments.

I've known Tasha for almost 15 years, ever since we had the good fortune of being assigned adjacent rooms in 1st year university.

Tasha and I share many common interests: baking, cooking, reading, knitting, blogging, and generally being awesome. We also share a love of sweet potatoes, so for the guest post I decided to try making a sweet potato pie.

Click on over to Awesomesauce & Other Experiments and check out the full post!
Posted by Jen B On Sunday, February 02, 2014 8 comments
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