To add to the festive week I've been having, my mother-in-law treated us to some turkey take out from The Kozy Kitchen in Elmvale. It's a small town greasy spoon type restaurant, full of comfort foods and home style cooking. As I love preparing a big homemade turkey dinner, I wasn't sure what the take out version would be like. All in all it was quite good. It didn't come with stuffing (what?!), but there was a whole heap of turkey (far more than I would normally eat, as my plate is usually loaded with too many sides to fit a lot of meat). The gravy had a nice light flavour and the potatoes were fresh and yummy. Even the peas and carrots tasted good!

Posted by Jen B On Friday, December 06, 2013 5 comments
My sister-in-law is from Newfoundland and recently shared a photo of how french fries are sometimes served there: covered with stuffing and gravy. I'm always open to new toppings for french fries, and I had a feeling I would like this one (I love stuffing).

As I haven't made a turkey recently, I had no stuffing and gravy leftovers (but having said that, I usually don't, even when I do make a turkey). So I relied on my packaged friends to help me out. The gravy packet I bought was 'poutine', as this dish seemed poutine-esque.

We always make homemade french fries, as we are working away at 50lbs of farmer potatoes, and they are just so cheap and easy to make.

Next we prepared the stuffing and gravy.

And added it to the cooked fries.

And obviously it tasted amazing. This version was pretty salty, but that could be cured easily by making my own stuffing and gravy. Next time. Because, of course, I will have to try these again.

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, December 05, 2013 1 comment
It's been a pretty festive week around here. I got the tree up on the weekend, and last night I spent the entire evening reading by the tree lights. We put an additional string of lights around the tv, so there was lots of ambient light to read by. The mellow light was really relaxing. To take this photo I used the "High Sensitivity" function on my camera so no flash was used. Festive!

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, December 04, 2013 4 comments
The Christmas tree went up on December 1st and I decorated the house with the various winter/Christmas themed items I've collected over the years. Once everything was set out, I noticed that I have a snowman theme, as they dominate every free surface we have. I didn't intend to collect snowmen (most of these items were gifts), but these little dudes make me happy. They are always smiling!

And because we have a nice blanket of snow outside, I thought I'd showcase my snowmen chilling in the snow.
Snowman tea light
Tea light with snowman scene
Tea light with multiple snowmen
Snowman figurines
Snowman wine glasses
Snowman stocking
And last but not least, what would this season be like without the abominable snowman? This year Bumble is gaurding the candy dish, though he's doing a pretty bad job so far (we will need to refill it soon). Bumble is the only snowman I can happily say I picked up myself. I just love him.

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, December 03, 2013 6 comments
Baked sweet potato fries are so incredibly good and addictive, it only takes me about 30 seconds to inhale an entire tray of them. I can't help but eat them so fast, and I'm always left wondering, 'why didn't I make two potatoes??' When the sweet potato is raw, one seems like a completely reasonable amount to eat, but when I finish the last fry, somehow there were never enough to begin with.

For these fries I used a recipe found over at Sally's Baking Addiction. I used a simple salt and pepper seasoning for mine, but stuck to her tips to get these fries super crispy. First they were coated in corn starch before they were seasoned/oiled, and then they were left to cool in the cooling oven for 20 minutes. I have to say they were enjoyably crispy. For an amazing lunch, I paired these fries with the steak and cheese sandwich I posted about yesterday.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, November 29, 2013 4 comments
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