We couldn't get it together to plant our full garden this summer, but we have a few vegetables started and some flowers planted.  And of course by we, I mean John.  I have been really lost when it comes to doing anything lately, so kudos to John for having initiative.  But it's not like I did absolutely nothing - I did help to pick out the flower seeds and I took all the photos for this post! It was really the least (most) I could do. :)

In lieu of a full vegetable garden John made a vegetable box that he planted a few of our favourites into. We are kind of rocking the patio garden thing this year.
Vegetable box full view
Green Beans
Green Leaf Lettuce
Patio Habanero and Patio Tomato
There is also some unruly oregano that came up on its own
 where the herb garden was last year

We also planted some flower seeds that are just starting to sprout.  We have an area in the backyard that is the resting place of some pretty amazing pets that have passed on over the years.  John is making a rock/flower garden to honour them.  He planted all perennials, so hopefully it remains beautiful year after year.
Rock/Flower garden
A perennial flower sprouting
  How is your garden this year?

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, June 28, 2011 1 comment
With an awesome kick off to Pride Week, the state of New York has legalized same-sex marriage!  I'm sure everyone has seen this photo by now, but the Empire State Building all in rainbow is definitely the awesome of this week!  Congratulations New York!!  Three cheers for love!
The Empire State Building salutes same sex marriage.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, June 27, 2011 3 comments
We enjoyed an enormous amount of salmon over the weekend.  We collect PC Points and on Friday we happily discovered that we had 20,000 points which is equal to $20 to spend at the Superstore.  Wanting something we wouldn't normally buy, we went over to the fish counter to see what we could have for dinner.  We picked up a giant fillet of fresh salmon that was $22.74, but with our $20 free dollars it was only $2.74.  Amazing!  We picked up some veggies to have with it, and for only $7 we had a lovely dinner with tonnes of leftovers. Thanks PC Points!  We both had generous helpings of the salmon on Friday (believe me!) but there was still over half of the giant thing left.  Hello leftovers!

For lunch today I had a beautiful salmon sandwich that made me realize there is a considerable difference between canned salmon and a fresh fillet. Both are yummy, but there is something to be said about giant chunks of fish on a sandwich. Plus the flavours that were baked into it on Friday really popped today.

I'm looking forward to my second leftover adventure tomorrow at lunch - I've packed a garden salad that I'm topping with huge hunks of salmon. Should be good.

And if that wasn't enough salmon in a 48 hour period, I also went to the all you can eat sushi restaurant yesterday and partook in many, many salmon rolls (both smoked and spicy). It was a beautiful and salmony weekend.

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, June 26, 2011 2 comments
Fellow Bloggers, readers, friends, family, and random Google searchers:  Hello!  It's been a while!

I accidentally didn't blog for two months!  I let starting a new job distort my priorities for a little while, but I'm feeling like I've (finally) achieved some sort of control over my new lifestyle that I can actually participate in my hobbies/life again!  Not only was I not writing on this here blog, but I also haven't been reading other blogs.  I want you to know that I missed you and I look forward to catching up on all the fun stuff you've been doing over the past while!

Instead of being hard on myself for not keeping up with my hobbies (and suffering from Blog Guilt, Knitting Guilt, Scrapbooking Guilt and the like), I have just accepted that it took me time to adjust to a new schedule, new people, and a more compartmentalized amount of 'free time'.  The good news is that I no longer just come home from work and go strait to sleep.  I can actually stay up past 10pm!  Woot!

I have been keeping a little notebook of Blog post ideas and I have some half finished drafts that I need to complete, so not only is the hiatus over - I actually have some material!  Woot! Woot!

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, June 26, 2011 5 comments
I have joined to ranks of my friends Tasha and Joanne and won the Canadian Living Craft Blog Weekly Giveaway!  The prize is perfect for me -  an adorable knitting pattern book to knit farm toys!  Having grown up on a farm, and as the aunt of two young and adorable farmers, I will definitely be making all of these projects.  There is even a pattern to make a barn!  I am so excited!
Too cute!!

If you have never entered the Canadian Living Craft Blog giveaway contest, here is my overwhelming endorsement that you should.  There is normally a new giveaway announced every Monday, and prizes vary from books to supplies for many types of crafts.  For your chance to win, all you have to do is comment on the "Weekly Giveaway" blog post.  They usually pose some sort of question for you to answer, so it's pretty easy to think of something to say. The winners are chosen randomly, and I love that you don't have to sign up for anything to leave your comment.  Also, I think the odds of winning are pretty good, as I've never seen more than 180 comments on a giveaway post, and most times the number of comments is far lower than that.  The contest I won had only 30 comments and they had two copies of the book to giveaway, so I had a 1 in 15 chance to win...and I won!!  Also, there is no moratorium on entering the contest after you've won, so if win and you like the following week's giveaway, go ahead and enter that one too!

Here is the link to the current giveaway: Giveaway for the week of April 25, and as of now (9:30pm on Monday night), there are only 10 comments!  Readers have until 11:59pm on Sunday May 1st to write a comment.  Be sure to read all the guidelines on how to comment (you can only comment once) to ensure your entry is part of the draw.

Good luck!  I hope you win a cool book too!! :)

Posted by Jen B On Monday, April 25, 2011 2 comments
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