I've had some muscle strain in my lower back for the past few days and I can't believe how disruptive it's been. I'm a tall girl, so my lower back often gets the short end of the stick, but this week it has really been getting in the way of being able to do things. I am trying to find the balance of moving the muscles enough, but not too much. It's most painful when I stand up or sit down, lean over, do dishes, or any movement that forces me to use those muscles. It has made me realize that I am super forgetful and constantly have to get up to get things: my tea, my book, my iPod, the phone, the remote... I'm constantly up and down.

While resting over the past few days I marathoned True Detective (only 8 episodes), which was pretty good. I also got a few books from the library that I am hoping to finish over the next few days as well. I'm trying to do fun things that don't rely on my lower back. I'm also trying to suppress any and all urges to bake yummy things. It is hard. Yesterday I made buns and did all the kitchen clean up and probably shouldn't have. So today I am reading and listening to my body and asking for help when I need it.

Pile of books to read: currently reading 'The Hunter' by Richard Stark

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6 comments
I went over to the Elmvale Sales Barn (aka the Elmvale Flea and Farmers Market) yesterday to see what it had to offer this year.

The Sales Barn has changed over the years, the heyday being in the '90s when my family and I would go almost every Thursday in the summer to have a look around. The market was full of vendors and there was always different and interesting stuff to look at (and eat). We always got cheese curds from the cheese guy, a sno cone from the red food truck (that might have had hot items too?), and Mennonite sausage. I also got some band t-shirts (Paul McCartney) and TV shirts (X-Files) that I wore constantly in my early teen years. We always had a lot of fun looking around the Sales Barn.

The experience is different now, with new (and less) vendors, and the times I've been over the past few years have left me longing for the past. Yesterday was my first time out this season, and I have to say I had a pretty good time. There were lots of vendors and visitors - it was nice to see so many people out. The thing that caught my eye the most was all the used books. At least six of the vendors had used books, and all mostly just a buck or two. I love looking through a big pile of books with the hope of spotting something great. Yesterday I happened on two gems at two different vendors.

I got J.K. Rowling's Casual Vacancy for $5 (perfect condition) and Jack Kerouac's On The Road for $1 (also in great condition). I love finding a book deal, so getting two was great. I'm already planning on taking John with me next time to see what else we can find.

I also got some smoked meat (salami and pepperettes) before I left.

Salamis were $5 each (840g) and pepperettes were 2/$1 (but they actually threw 3 in the bag, so that was cool).

Are there any neat flea markets near you? They are definitely a sign of summer around here.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, June 16, 2014 2 comments
I've mentioned before that John is a spice whiz, with the ability to throw together amazing meals without a plan. If he enters meal creation with a plan, it is pretty much a gaurentee it will be altered in some way. And always for the better.

When we pulled the chicken out of the freezer, this meal was going to be oven baked chicken breasts with various sides. Then he got the idea to dice the frozen chicken and curry it with diced tomatoes. Partway through cooking he said: "can you hand me a can of black beans?" and they got added to the pan too. It simmered for an hour, and once finished John said: "For a sauce I didn't pay too much attention to, this one turned out pretty great." I think they all turn out pretty great.

This meal lasted two nights. The first night I wished I had avocado, and the second night I popped to the store and got one. The avocado made this already amazing meal incredible. Yum!

Posted by Jen B On Friday, June 13, 2014 6 comments
We are having a provincial election today in Ontario and I'm hoping people get out and vote. In the last election only 49% of Ontarians voted. It doesn't seem like democracy to me when only half the people have a say. If you are in Ontario, get out and vote! There are changes that need to be made to the electoral system (see: Fair Vote Canada), but until they are made this is the system we have to work with. Vote anyway! Even if you think your vote doesn't count. Also, if you are able to take someone with you when you vote, do it! I'm taking John's Grandma with me to the poll.

When the election is over, I have to say I will not miss all the campaign signs in public spaces. I understand and accept the political expression, and always love to see a house with a lawn sign (there are only two houses with a sign on my entire road). However I can't help but call the signs along the roadway an eyesore. This stretch of the bike trail (right) has 17 campaign signs. In a row. For only four different parties. It gets to be a little much.

If you are in Ontario - VOTE! Polls are open from 9am-9pm. If you need information about your polling station, check out the Elections Ontario website. The website may require you to provide an exact address for the information you need. It could be that the address they have for you is different than your actual address. Fun, right? If you run into trouble, just give them a call at 1-888-668-8683.

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, June 12, 2014 6 comments
I started reading Treasure Island for the first time, and what better place to read it than at the beach. My Dad loves this book and we've set a date to watch the movie together when I'm done. I've also put Muppet Treasure Island on hold at the library so I can catch up with that version too.

The beach was beautiful when I visited on the weekend, but it's currently only good for reading/sitting/or walking, as the water won't be warm enough for a good swim for a few weeks yet. A few hopeful people ran into the water while I was there, but they quickly ran back out. 

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 8 comments
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