We just got home from a fun beach tour. The beach we like had no parking, so we checked out another beach heading toward Wasaga. The water was pretty rocky so not perfect for swimming, but it still looked beautiful and relaxing. On our way home there was parking at our beach, so we got a nice swim in. We are having a mini-heat wave up here, so spending time in the water was wonderfully refreshing.

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2 comments
I am loving my 28 day reboot, and I got so excited about feeling good, that I kinda overdid it.

The weather has been fantastic so I've not only been exceeding my walking goals, but have been
swimming daily too. It left me with boundless energy and I had a really hard time winding down Monday night...so I hardly slept and my body didn't recover from the newly added exercise. It left me completely wiped. All day yesterday, even keeping my eyes open to read was exhausting. Yep, I overdid it. Going from minimal activity to ALL the activity was a little too much for me. I was smart enough to listen to my body and let it rest. Feeling recovered today and I'm ready to get back out there and get moving.
This was how sleepy I was yesterday.
Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 3 comments
I have some daily step-count walking goals I'm trying to meet, so getting in some fun walks in the sunshine is a great way to do that. I have a few walking options around my place, the rail trail, the Simcoe County forest trails, or I can even just walk along the side of the road. While walking this summer, I started using a walking stick that John had, and it just sorta felt right. I also think it kinda makes me look cool and outdoorsy, especially when I'm on the trail. We nicknamed the stick my "wizard staff" and I'm glad it's accompanying me on my adventures.

Walking stick (wizard staff) and me
Art shot of the walking stick  -  with my happy shadow. :)

Posted by Jen B On Monday, August 19, 2013 6 comments
My 28 day reboot started today and I am feeling great about it!

It's all about adding daily, planned, physical activity to my life with an emphasis on walking. We had some beautiful weather this weekend and it was a nice push to get outside and do some activities. I did a 8.7km pre-reboot bike ride yesterday, and today I not only exceeded my walking goal but also got in an hour of swimming at the beach. Having a lot of fun and I'm already feeling a boost in my energy level.

I even got excited about doing household chores earlier today, as I saw mowing the lawn and vacuuming as a way to get my step count up (a wonderful practical bonus!).

The weather looks great this week and I'm super excited to get out there and be active.

I hope you had a great weekend whatever you were up to! :)

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, August 18, 2013 2 comments
If you are ever in Midland, Ontario, be sure to pop into Ciboulette et Cie for a sandwich. I had always heard about their sandwiches but hadn't tried one until last week and I'm so glad I did.

Now if I was better at this foodie thing, I would have remembered to write down what I got on my sandwich, but I'm pretty sure this is close to accurate: sliced chicken, avocado, field greens, smoked cheese, olive tapenade, and mayo on a white ciabatta bun. The combination of flavours tasted amazing and avocado on a sandwich is simply one of the best things ever. Sandwiches are served with a side of kettle cooked chips which made for a very delicious lunch.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, August 16, 2013 2 comments
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