So remember all those milk and creamers we took home from the wedding?
Well the milks were about to expire and needed to be used up. So I took one for the team and decided to have a bowl of cereal with them.
I'm obsessed with Cinnamon Bliss, which is Sally's Cereals version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and had some on hand to go with the milks. I didn't want to have any soggy cereal, so I opened all the little milks before I added them.
I did pretty well and only ended up with eight leftover.
And I used those up by having another half bowl of cereal. Which was easy for me to do because Cinnimon Bliss is so incredibly good. Super yummy and no milk was wasted. Double win.
Well the milks were about to expire and needed to be used up. So I took one for the team and decided to have a bowl of cereal with them.
I'm obsessed with Cinnamon Bliss, which is Sally's Cereals version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and had some on hand to go with the milks. I didn't want to have any soggy cereal, so I opened all the little milks before I added them.
And I used those up by having another half bowl of cereal. Which was easy for me to do because Cinnimon Bliss is so incredibly good. Super yummy and no milk was wasted. Double win.