I spent most of March Break in Barrie house/cat-sitting for my brother who spent the week in the much more exciting Montreal. My Bro's cat is an interesting dude who wants to be alone but doesn't like being left alone. It is a subtle difference and my presence was required to keep him company so he didn't pee on things he shouldn't. I also kept him fed and watered, gave him attention when requested, and removed a large quantity of cat barf from the carpet. I am a hero.

Pippen - my Barrie cat buddy
Since I normally live in the country, I was excited for my cat-sitting trip to Barrie so I could do city things. When I think of city things, I think of walking and ending up somewhere interesting, quickly traveling to multiple places, and the freedom of getting treats late at night if so desired. I enjoy my country life of trees and nature, but I miss destinations on my walks (like coffee shops) and I long for sidewalks and 50km/hr roads. While in Barrie, I wanted to walk around and see things!

So I made a plan. I wasn't just cat-sitting, I was going on an adventure. I mapped out stores downtown that I would walk to, explore, possibly buy things, and probably get some take out sushi to walk home with. I also mapped out places in the south end that I could drive to and walk around and explore. I'm not necessarily interested in buying things but I l love walking around and looking at stuff.

But you know what they say about best laid plans...

The weather didn't cooperate. Last week it was nearing spring like temperatures and I forgot that it is still winter in Canada. So it was cold and rainy and then it was cold and snowy. The sunny afternoon walkabout I dreamed of is probably still a month away. Stupid winter!

Also, my body refused to sleep properly. I'm often a bad sleeper when I sleep somewhere else, and this time was no different. My motivation to walk around and do cool stuff during the day was thwarted by my lack of sleep.

But I didn't let it get me down. I'm in a new phase of my life where I'm trying to accept things as they are and not as I expect them to be.

So I pretty much just hung out with the cat. And watched tv shows and movies. And ate ridiculous foods. I have stuck pretty well to my meal plan over the past few months, so I let March break be an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. Basically I just didn't eat vegetables for a number of days in a row. It was fun and super tasty, but I am happy to be back on my meal plan.
Sidekicks and curly fries for dinner - almost 100% vegetable free!
I'm back in the country now, eating vegetables and thinking about going on a walk to nowhere. I'm also back with my own pretty kitty, who always gives me the best cuddles and love when I've been away.

How did you spend your March Break? I hope you had a good one! :)

Posted by Jen B On Saturday, March 16, 2013 2 comments
We are now on our third month of meal planning, and this month was by far the easiest to map out. As we created the newest plan we realized there are meals we want to eat more often (breakfast for dinner) and others we will no longer schedule every month (chili). Meal planning was once intimidating to me but now it is easy. I couldn't be happier with how it is going.

An awesome result of our meal plan is that we are saving money.  I have kept a budget for as long as I can remember and part of that is tracking my spending. I was curious how much money I used to spend eating take out/restaurant food in the months before I started meal planning, so I did some math. It turns out that I would spend about $75/month on take out. I realize $75/month isn't that much, but the majority of that spending was not planned. It wasn't special food or a treat. It was mostly "I need food and we don't have any" spending. With the meal plan in place we haven't had that desparate need for take out, so we saved money.

So what to do with the money I used to just blow on take out? I bought a book series I really wanted to own. I am a very frugal person so most of the books I read come from the library. I am happy to borrow a book and return it, as I don't really have the desire to own everything I read. But there are some books I want in my house permanently. 1984 is one such title. The Harry Potter series is another. And over the past two months, with the savings from meal planning, I picked up Jim Butcher's Dresden's files.

Now I can re-read them whenever I want, John can start reading them too, and they look really pretty on my shelf! 

Posted by Jen B On Friday, March 08, 2013 4 comments

The Happy Whisk
is giving away e-books to celebrate reaching 444 blog posts on her amazing blog!

She is accepting comments on her blog for the next 4 days so head on over and leave her a comment for your chance to win!

Posted by Jen B On Monday, March 04, 2013 6 comments
Welcome to the new look!

We are now live with My Adorable Small Town Life 2.0.  Many thanks to my partner John for all his effort behind the scenes to make the code do what the code is supposed to do. The new design has neat features like a slideshow on the front page and a search function! What fun!

Coinciding with the new look, I have also joined Twitter and Google+, so feel free to follow me!

Posted by Jen B On Monday, March 04, 2013 4 comments
I am currently in the process of changing the template for this blog. I still love the current one, but it is no longer functional. The text is too small by default, the comments section won't let you reply directly to others, and there have been some neat additions/improvements to blogger templates over the past three years that I simply cannot access with the current one. So it is time for a change.

I took a screen shot of the current template so I can have a memory of how it all began. 

I should have the new one up and running by the end of the week. John and I have been working on the back end and it is almost ready to go!  I will miss the cuteness of the old template, but I am looking forward to the increased functionality. It is time.

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 3 comments
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