Because sometimes you get more. Or you save more over time. Or both.
I'm really frugal so I'm always looking around for the best deal, and sometimes the best deal is more expensive on the front end.
Being the proud owner of a
new used car, I want to do everything I can to take care of it and extend its life. Now that it is winter time, that means rust proofing it from salt. Rust proofing is new to me, so I called around to a few places to see who could do it and how much it cost. Walmart and Canadian Tire were two places I knew of that did it, and I found out they both offer a treatment for $89.99 that covers the entire car, not just the undercarriage. I made an appointment at Walmart (they had the earliest time available), but they told me the appointment could be conditional on the weather. The technician let me know that if it was too snowy/slushy, they weren't able to remove the snow/slush from the car before they did the oil application. It was a snow storm the day of my appointment, and they said I was welcome to still get it done, but they would have to spray the oil OVER the snow/mud/salt that was on the car, so they recommended I reschedule for a less snowy day. I don't think there is going to be a less snowy day until March. I called Canadian Tire and asked if they remove the snow from the car before application. They told me that the heat of the garage melts the snow off and then they apply the oil. The snow melts off on its own? How long does that take? Doesn't anyone have a hose and some warm water to rinse the car off?

Krown does. I was complaining to my brother about getting rust proofing done in the snow, and he told me to "just go to Krown". I'd never heard of them, but Bro said they are the best. I called the Barrie location and they are indeed the best! When I asked if they clean the snow from your car first, they said they spray it off with hot water. No letting it melt away on its own? No just putting the oil on over top of it? Nope. They clean the snow from your car before they apply the oil treatment. That is all I wanted. The price was higher - $119.95 - but that also included drilling into the car so they could put the oil deep into the vehicle. They give your car a rinse after the application, and they guarantee the price you paid for the life of your car. So even if their rate goes up, I'll always pay $119.95 on the Mazda. The best part was the staff were super friendly and helpful and it only took 25 minutes. I mentioned that my brother went there too and they gave me $10 off for a family rate. Seriously? It was a bonus that has me singing their praises and now my Dad is going to go there next year too. I was really impressed with the whole Krown experience and it was only twenty dollars more than the other places. For the professional service I received, I think it was well worth it in the long run.

Also this week I paid more up front for new Christmas lights. My previous lights were regular bulbs and half the strand was dead when I plugged them in. I only used them twice and I already had to replace them. I went in to get a new strand last night, and I had to decide between the $5 regular strand and the $15 LED strand. The LEDs use less power and are said to last ten times longer than the regular strands. I gave them a try and I frickin' love them! They are so bright and festive.
From what I have been reading about LED lights, I am pretty sure when I plug them in next year they are still going to work. And the year after that and the year after that. I had to pay $10 more up front, but I'll save money on my hydro bill and by not having to replace them as frequently.
Pay more now, save more over time. Sounds like a plan.