My Aunt and Uncle raise cattle. Earlier this year they sent one of their cows to slaughter and filled their freezer with it. Cows are giant and they produce hundreds of pounds of food, so she gave some to my Grandma, who in turn gave some to my Mom. This past weekend, Mom shared some with me. It started with "do you want a pound of hamburger?" and ended with a giant bag of glorious meat! My Mom is beyond generous and spoils me to pieces whenever I go over there. This time of year her house is especially full of food, treats, cookies, and candy and I reluctantly (ahem) help her through it so it is all gone by New Years. The gift of meat is above and beyond what I expected though. It was given to me with love, is farmer fresh, and knowing that the cow was raised locally (and by family) adds something to the quality of the meat for me. Thanks, Mom.
Awesomely the gift of meat included some T-Bone steaks. John fought the cold and BBQ'd them up for an amazing meal the other night.
Mmmm.... Winter BBQ |
These steaks were thick and giant. I couldn't believe how much of my plate they covered. We served them with a side of perogies (go big or go home!) and steamed carrots. My cup runneth over.
Now that is a lot of meat! |
I couldn't eat all of mine so I saved half for lunch the next day. Steak and eggs baby! If I don't weigh an extra 15 pounds by the end of the holidays, it won't be from lack of trying!
Protein power lunch |
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