A chair that isn't normally indoors...

Plus a pair of my jeans...

Equals a new sleeping spot for the cat!


Posted by Jen B On Monday, August 09, 2010 No comments
I have acquired a new new sleep shirt.

My brother brought me a long sleeve shirt with his work logo on it.  It is a tiny bit too big and 100% cotton - which makes it perfect for sleeping.  Just a few nights ago, John was commenting that my pajama drawer was overflowing.  Regardless of my lack of room, I happily added a new item to my collection.  I really need more drawer space though! :) 

When it comes to clothes I have two favourite (and abundant) things: sweaters and comfortable sleepwear.  It all has to do with the old, cold, farmhouse I grew up in, and the iron fist my dad ruled with over the thermostat.  We never had the luxury of room temperature at the farm and it wasn’t odd to have the inside temperature colder than the outside temperature - in the winter!  There was always a battle with dad whether we could turn the furnace on, and the furnace was just to heat the downstairs (where the tv room was).  The kids rooms were upstairs, which lacked furnace vents, so we had to use space heaters for warmth.  Even the space heater was an issue, as there was a constant fight about how long we should have them on for (mine was on 24 hours a day in the winter, as I didn’t care about the fight it constantly caused).  Even with periodic moments with the furnace and keeping the space heater on full blast, it was always cold in the farm house.

So, I learned to sleep in sweaters.  And track pants.  And long sleeve shirts.  And socks.  And have multiple comforters and pretty much anything that would make me warmer.  Some nights I slept in two sweaters, long johns, sweat pants, and two pairs of socks.  The last few years I slept at the farm I had an electric blanket, but that didn’t mean I could sleep in less clothes: it was somehow still cold! 

Fortunately, since I have left home, I have lived in apartments that have had adequate heat.  I still have the mentality that I need to wear lots of clothes to bed, but I no longer sleep with a sweater on (though sometimes I want to!).  Even though sleeping at the farmhouse was horribly cold (one Thanksgiving dinner it was 13°C [56°F] inside!) sometimes I find myself enjoying when it is cold at night.  I don’t like being cold, but I do love lots of blankets, and through the comfort of childhood memories, I think the cold helps me sleep. 

For those colder nights, I have now added a new long sleeve sleep shirt to my comfortable sleepwear collection.  Here is what else my overflowing pajama drawer holds:

Flannel PJs (3 pairs)
Track pants  (2 pairs)
Doctor pants
Long sleeve shirts (3 - black, yellow, and pink)
Sleeping t-shirts (7 assorted; I will wear any t-shirt to bed!)
Sleeping tank tops (2) and comfy sleeping shorts (for summer months)

Also my sweater collection is always growing, I just counted 14 sweaters in multiple drawers. Some people collect shoes.  I collect sweaters and pajamas, I guess!

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, August 05, 2010 No comments
Achoo!   *Blows nose*  
Achoo!   *Blows nose*  
Achoo!   *Blows nose*

Blurgh.  :(

I woke up yesterday with a runny nose and a scratchy throat.  And I blew through an entire box of Kleenex, pun intended.  I have a stupid summer cold!  It is not completely debilitating but it is definitely irritating!  My nose is already bright red from having to blow it so much.  Boo!  That is my reward for having a fun weekend, I guess!

On the positive side of things, I haven't had a cold since last November, so way to go immune system for keeping me healthy for so long!  Great job!  Another positive is that I spent my sick time yesterday reading Fool Moon, the second of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.  Butcher writes fun stories and being sick isn't so bad when there is an entertaining book to read.

I'm taking it easy, dosing myself with Tylonel, vitamin C, and green tea, and trying to stay positive.  Here's hoping I feel better soon! :)

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1 comment

The Bros and I hit the beach again yesterday to continue our long weekend fun.  We would have swam and sat on the beach all day, if only the weather would have cooperated.  We did put in some awesome fun times before the rain hit, (we swam for hours!), but the sun did not want to be our friend this weekend.

The Rain from across the bay - it was only a matter of time before it got us!

A menacing cloud keen on destroying our fun day!

Of course, today the sun is shining and the temperature feels like 34°C out there.  Such is life.  And I have been sneezing all morning and trying to deny the tickle I feel in my throat.  Hopefully this summer cold is short lived and the hot weather sticks around until the weekend for more beach fun!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, August 03, 2010 No comments
It is a long weekend here in Canada and I am celebrating it right!  So far I've had the perfect combination of friends, family, food, and fun.  Also hoping that before the weekend is over there can be a little more sunshine added to the equation, but all in all it has been a blast.

I went swimming yesterday with my Bros and despite it being cloudy and a little rainy, we still had tonnes of fun.  The Bros haven't been swimming in years, so it was such a joy to see Dave so thrilled.  Swimming is so happy inducing for us - I was giddy well into the evening and then slept soundly and solidly.  Awesome.

After all that swimming exercise, I was hungry for some long weekend BBQ.  We cooked up some veggies on the BBQ - carrots, broccoli, peas (from our garden!), zucchini (from our garden!) and green beans (also from our garden!).

We cooked up some farmer fresh corn with the veggies, husking it and brushing it with olive oil and yummy spices.  It tasted like a beautiful dream. :)

And we couldn't forget our favourite BBQ meat treat: Pork Buttons.  With the taste and texture of a pork chop and the fun and sauce of a chicken wing, these are a summer staple around here.

I'm pretty sure I could eat this meal every day.  Not sure how my heart/arteries/waist line would like it, but my taste buds and happy meter would be on cloud nine.

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, August 01, 2010 No comments
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