I have been pretty inconsistent with my blog frequency over the past year, but even so, I have made it to my 200th post on My Adorable Small Town Life!  In the coming weeks I might try and change up my template (I'm reluctantly realizing it is old and limited), and I'm hoping to post more too!

Thanks for reading!!

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, February 12, 2012 6 comments
Yesterday John and I went out for an afternoon/evening camp out in the woods. Normally our camp out is near the end of winter/early spring, as the woods are more bearable then (less snow, warmer temps). Even though it is still the middle of winter, we've seen above average temperatures and barely any snowfall this year, so we got to enjoy an early camp out on the weekend.

I love the woods.  It is close enough to home that I'm not scared I'll get lost, and yet it is somehow completely removed from the madness of everyday.  My mind naturally stops thinking about the regular bullshit that normally plagues me, and instead focuses on what is around me.  The fresh air, gathering wood for the fire, the sound of the wind, the smell of the fire, and really thinking about what to eat next.  Did I mention that being in the woods is also an amazing excuse to eat copious amounts of hot dogs? My favourite kind is a Snackin' Dog; that is when you eat the hot dog directly off the roasting stick. I had at least three snackin' dogs yesterday.  Unfortunately I don't have any photos of my fire roasted hot dogs or sausages; they had no time for the camera and went directly into my belly.

The following are the photos I did remember to take throughout the aft/evening:

The awesome stick pile I gathered!

Hello fire!!

Keeping the drinks and condiments cold!

Meat and Marshmallows!

Moon rising.  It was almost full and kept the woods bright.

Fire is kicking ass at this moment!

I'm trying to roast a marshmallow - that's it in middle of the fire.

Marshmallow caught on fire (as always!)

It got pretty dark and the moon got more beautiful.

End of the night fire - beginning to wind down.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, February 06, 2012 2 comments
I never have cash on me, and if I do, at most it's a twenty.  Everything is either debit or credit, unless there is a "get 10% off" deal if you pay in cash.

Because I spend so little time with cash, I was surprised to learn that Canada now has a new $100 bill.  I had the pleasure of holding one today and looking at all the neat security features, which includes being made out of plastic instead of paper.  Wild!

I then watched this video on the new bill from the Bank of Canada to learn more about it:

Canadian readers, have you seen or held one of these yet?  What do you think about them?  My first thought was that they are props from some futuristic/Sci-Fi movie.

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, February 05, 2012 No comments
I had an unplanned break from knitting but have been itching to pick up some needles all week. I have friends who have recently had babies or are soon to have babies, so I want to knit adorable baby stuff.  I am a planner and spent many hours this week looking through patterns and thinking about yarn.  I also invested in some knitting supplies, as a pattern I want to knit used some tools I didn't have yet (16" circulars, I am looking at you!). I also picked up some stitch markers, some dpns, and soft yarn.

I tried to start a new project today that involved double pointed needles, and despite my three attempts, I could not get a handle on it.  I realize I need to take a step back; I basically haven't knit in almost a year and am a wee bit rusty.  I was still itching to knit, so I am on task to complete all my outstanding projects (luckily there are only three).  So new and cute baby projects are still to come, but here is what I accomplished today:

Reusable Swiffer Cloth - I just had to seem the edge to complete this.

Top view.  Just ignore how dirty the Swiffer is!

Bone dog toys - seemed and stuffed. I still need to learn proper seeming.

I also made headway on a winter hat I began last February for John.  I am only about a third done, but I am so happy to be knitting again.  Working on all these projects has me really inspired for all the new things I will create.

Posted by Jen B On Saturday, January 28, 2012 4 comments
...Except I spent most of my evening full of rage and now this blog is just a forum for my complaints and frustrations.  People hardly ever do that on blogs, right?

Firstly, I spent most of the evening trying to solve a company initiated problem through inbound customer service and did not get the problem solved.  After getting off the phone the first time I was actually furious.  The neat thing I'm reflecting on while writing this is that John gets to see me as a TNT firecracker explosion and still thinks I am the cutest thing ever. That makes me feel good. And after a second phone call with customer service (and now that I've calmed down), I'm thinking positively that after a few more phone calls tomorrow everything should be worked out.

Secondly, the "Delay Brew" button on my coffee maker is not working properly.  John naively said I should just "hit the on button in the morning".  Little does he know I have my morning "routine" timed down to the millisecond, so if the coffee is not ready when I am, the whole morning is going to be fucked.  With the patience of a saint (and note this happened after the above rage-filled incident) I hit the delay brew button repeatedly just hoping above all hopes that the light would turn on.  I passionately kept pressing that stupid button and it finally turned on.  That was the last thing you had to do for me coffee maker! I am replacing you tomorrow!

Anyway, my little rant is done now.  Back to our regular programming.

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, January 10, 2012 3 comments
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