We love leftovers around here. I recently posted about our chili in a bread bowl, and not wanting to consume another half loaf of bread in one sitting, we had to change up how we ate the leftovers.

Bring on the chili fries! We baked some homemade fries, topped them with chili, cheese, and guacamole. It was a winning combination!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 4 comments
How's the weather where you are? We are currently involved in some sort of heat wave. It has been over 30°C for the past three days and everyone is melting. I'm all for the heat (winter was unbearably long this year), but I wouldn't be Canadian if I wasn't commenting on it. :)

To beat the heat I have been spending limited time outdoors (though still trying to get at least 30 minutes per day), and having lots of cold foods and beverages (cold salads and homemade iced tea are favourites). Another treat helping us beat the heat are homemade iced cappuccinos.

We use our Magic Bullet to make these, although we use our full blender to crush the ice first (it actually has a button called "Ice Crush"). We find the big blender crushes the ice more evenly than the Bullet, and to get it the way we like it, we don't mind the extra step.

We add crushed ice to the Magic Bullet cups.

Next we add instant coffee and brown sugar to taste (about 1 large scoop of each for me), and 3/4 cup milk (more milk if you like a thinner ice cap).

Blend in Magic Bullet until smooth. Drink with a straw and feel the relief!

Enjoy!! And feel free to check out previous posts using the Magic Bullet:
Scrambled Eggs

Posted by Jen B On Monday, June 24, 2013 2 comments
Dorothy over at Crazy for Crust creates some pretty amazing treats. When I first found her blog, I spent an entire afternoon clicking through the older posts so I could see all the amazing photos and recipes. It was a lot of fun and made me really hungry! Definitely check out her blog if you haven't already; it's full of great ideas.

So far I've tried making some of her easy fudge recipes. I've made two flavours so far, most recently Salted Butterscotch Fudge. I took it to a BBQ earlier this week and it was thoroughly enjoyed. The fudge was gooey and sweet and the pecans really added something special to it.

The recipe makes about 1kg of fudge (2.2 pounds!), and that is a whole lotta fudge bang for your buck. The only problem is eating a healthy amount of this stuff. It might not be possible.

For original recipe, check out Crazy for Crust.

1 cup pecans
3 cups butterscotch chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tbs butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp kosher salt

Method (in photos):

Toast pecans in frying pan over low heat, stirring frequently.

Mix butterscotch chips, sweetened condensed milk, + butter in a medium pot over low heat.

Stir frequently until melted together.

Mmmmm... Melty and smooth and full of awesome.

Once melted, add vanilla and pecans. Stir until mixed.

Pour into aluminum foil lined and greased 8x8 pan. Sprinkle with salt.

Cool in the fridge (I left mine overnight and cut it into pieces the next day).

Yummy butterscotch fudge pieces.

Take it to party and wow all of your friends!

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, June 23, 2013 4 comments

Surfing Saturday: a weekly round up of some of my favourite links on the interwebs.


Are you watching Under the Dome on Monday? It's based on Stephen King's book Under the Dome and the trailer for the show looks scary and good. io9 has a spoiler free review of the pilot episode, and I'm excited to see it. I always love it when Jeff Fahey is working.

A trailer was released this week for a big screen LEGO movie that is due in February. I'm pretty much obsessed with LEGO so I'm really looking forward to this.


Check these detailed Game of Thrones cupcakes at Sugar Swings! Serve Some. They are all super awesome, but I love the White Walker. So cool.

I added to my baking stash this week, picking up new items at Bulk Barn. I'm really into flavour extracts and colour gels right now so I picked up some Pure Orange and some assorted Wilton Gel Colours. I also noticed Bulk Barn carries Flavour Oils, and I might have to give them a try too.


Looks like I am getting a Space Selfie! The Kickstarter project I funded reached it's goal. The Oatmeal made a cool comic about it this week and the campaign has announced some stretch goals. Only 8 days left! Looking forward to what they accomplish!

Someone amazing sent Commander Hadfield a crochet Commander Hadfield doll. I think it is just adorable.

Posted by Jen B On Saturday, June 22, 2013 2 comments
Gary Bear likes her heat. She's never more blissed out than when she is sitting in front of the fireplace or lying in a sunbeam. She's loved all the sunny days we've had this week.

 Love this cat.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, June 21, 2013 2 comments
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