I love smoothies.

Sometimes for breakfast. Sometimes as an afternoon snack. Sometimes for dessert.

They are quick to prepare, promote the use of straws (win!), and are full of fruits I don't normally eat in non-smoothie form (sorry banana, I can only enjoy you blended).

The following is how my typical smoothie is prepared.
(1) Half cup of mixed frozen berries. (2) Half cup of milk. (3) Single serving yogourt or applesauce.
(4) Small banana (cut up). (5) Put in Magic Bullet. (6) Blend. (7) Enjoy!

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, June 20, 2013 2 comments
We borrowed our friend's XBOX 360 so John could try out a few games, namely Skyrim. I am usually a Wii gamer, but watching John play Skyrim has been fun, though I'm not sure it's for me (even though he says you get to tame and ride a dragon...I could be into that). So far I've only played Rayman Origins on the XBOX, which turns out is also a Wii title. What can I say, I know what I like.

If you've been following the blog for a while, you know my favourite video games are Lego centered. Along with Lego Batman 1 and 2, Lego Harry Potter 1 and 2, and Lego Indiana Jones, I have now completed a few more.

I finally finished Lego Pirates late last year. I found it to be one of the weaker Lego games, so I finished it long after I started it. I inherently love it because it's Lego but it didn't hold my interest like the other games. Not sure if I will replay it, but happy I was able to finish it.

Also completed Lego Lord of the Rings earlier this year. It was a great game with lots of exploring and I love LOTR so there were many familiar faces. My only complaint was there was a lot of crying by Lego characters. Lord of the Rings is pretty dark, so the game was pretty dark too. Even when people are being killed with broom, banana, or chicken arrows, it's still pretty sad. Lots of Lego tears in this one.

I have yet to complete Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, but I think I will be doing that incrementally over my whole life. I still have to find most of the blue canisters (essentially replay all the levels, but timed) as well as complete most of the Super Story missions (essentially replay all the levels, but timed). So I won't be posting about it's completion any time soon.

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 2 comments
Sometimes I get a craving for something full of sugar. I would love if this craving was satisfied by a strawberry yogurt, a fruit smoothie, or any sort of healthy sweet food. Unfortunately, this craving cannot be tricked! There are just times when I need to eat a baked good and that's that (cake, cookies, doughnuts, cinnamon buns, or any other sugar filled treat).

I love to bake, but the craving often happens when I'm super tired and in absolutely no mood to do so. If my craving wins, I usually end up at the grocery store where I buy a super tasty (but expensive) store-made baked good.

That was until I discovered emergency cookies.

Browsing the Dollar Tree I noticed some quick baking mixes. Cookies, cupcakes, muffins; all for $1 each. They had simple directions and required little prep time, so I bought a few for those times when I need 'Emergency Treats'. Now if I get that unstoppable urge for sweet, I make something from a mix (which takes about the same time as a trip to the store). It's a great solution! 

Emergency Cookie Mix
Add mix, 4 tbs butter or margarine, and 2 tbs water
Mix until it is cookie dough
Place onto cookie sheet (makes about 10)
Emergency cookies!
Are these the greatest cookies I've ever had? No. But they taste pretty good and satisfy my sweet craving. The quick mixes also don't make very much (about 10 cookies), which is great for having a few cookies in the moment but not a lot of leftovers.

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2 comments

Friends of ours recently had a baby boy and I made a really simple card to welcome him to the world.

I found some Old West stickers in my stash and just let them do all the work.

Sometimes less really is more, and I just love how this card turned out.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, June 17, 2013 4 comments

Dad and me and the barnyard, circa 1982

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, June 16, 2013 1 comment
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