Yesterday was widely reported as being Blue Monday, or the most depressing day of the year.  Unfortunately, the "science" that decided it was the most depressing day of the year is based on arbitrary factors and funded by people trying to sell you stuff.  In other words, advertising that sounds like truth.  But I guess it makes a good news story, and a good leaping off point for a blog...

Yesterday was actually a great day.  The sun was shining, I got a full nights sleep, and I got a pile of work done.  In winter, days like that can be rare.  The noticeable absence of the sun, the constant threat of snow storms, having to wear a coat, boots, hat, mitts, and a scarf AND STILL be really freaking cold all the time, can be a real downer.  Despite how beautiful winter can be, and despite how much I love cuddling in blankets and wearing sweaters and pajamas, winter kinda sucks.

For one thing driving is harder.  I recently got my first car so I am still really hyper about it, so icy roads, white outs, and heaps of snow covering the car are my new enemies.  Thankfully my car came with snow tires, so I am feeling less edgy about driving in the wintertime than I have in previous years.  Even with the tires, winter driving is still a lot less fun than clear-blue-skies summer driving.

Another thing about winter is the constant gray days and the dark nights that stay well into the morning and come back far too early in the evening.  Even the days where the sun does show up, it is -20°C or colder out, making indoors the only wise place to be and cabin fever something you have to fight off.  No wonder it's hard to stay happy!

One of the ways I am trying to combat my Winter Blahs is by dosing myself with Vitamin D.  I take 1000 IU per day and hopefully that makes my body happy, regardless of all sun it is missing out on.  I have also been fighting cabin fever by engaging in hobbies that keep me from going crazy, redrum style.  Scrapbooking, knitting, writing, and reading are all key to my indoor mental health.  I also have to make sure I get regular exercise, as exercise is definitely a mood enhancer for me.  I have some work out videos that get my heart pumping, and on any sunny day that is above -5°C, I'll brave the cold and go out for a walk.

Even if there had been hard evidence, I don't agree that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year.  I would place such a day somewhere in February, as that is when we realize we still have a month or more of this shit to get through.  One of these days I'm going to get myself some snow pants so I can at least try to enjoy the snow while it is here.  Until then, bring on summer!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1 comment

Betty White is 89 today!  It is amazing how active, beautiful, and funny she continues to be, all while showing no signs of stopping!  Way to keep rocking, Betty!

Also, this post is a major shout out to my brother-in-law; thanks for reading! xoxoxo

Posted by Jen B On Monday, January 17, 2011 2 comments
My Grandma has started doing the cutest thing when she sends me snail mail:

The envelope of the most recent birthday card from Grandma

The envelope of a thank you card I received last week

I’m afraid of the internet, so I’ve edited out our addresses, but Grandma no longer puts my actual name on the envelope.  I’m just referred to in variations of “the best granddaughter”.  The mail-lady and I are okay with that.

She also puts stickers all over the envelope, and the back of the most recent one made my heart smile:

She mailed me a thank you card last week because I helped her prepare and present all the food for the family drop in at Christmas.  I really didn't do all that much, but she said she was so happy for the help that she looked around for a special card for me:

I think Grandma has great taste!

When I called to thank her for the card, she thanked me again for “being so sweet”.  I thanked her for being so sweet as well.  To which she said: “Okay, let’s not get sickening”.  My Grandma is a funny and amazing lady!

Posted by Jen B On Monday, January 17, 2011 2 comments
We are getting ten digit dialing in the 705 region starting tomorrow, and like every other region that has ever gotten it, no one knew it was coming!
Homer: What really burns me up is they didn't give us one word of warning.
Carl: What do you mean? They ran those TV commercials about it, and that big radio campaign.
Lenny: Don't forget the leaflets they dropped from the Space Shuttle, and the two weeks we all spent at area code camp.
Homer: Not a single word of warning.
From The Simpsons: "A Tale of Two Springfields"

If you have a 705 number and don't want the recorded operator yelling at you repeatedly, then get used to adding the three extra digits, even if you are calling right next door.

As with most things, ten-digit-dialing has been in the works for a while now, but no one cared about it until it was SUDDENLY HAPPENING this weekend.  I found the CRTC decision for 705 to adopt ten-digit-dialing, and it was decided all the way back in October 2009.  For the people I know who are just hearing about it now, I chalk it up to none of us watching local news or listening to the radio.  Plus they are phasing in the new system, so up until March, if you still only dial seven digits, you will hear a reminder to dial ten digits, but your call will still go through.  After March, if you only dial seven digits, your call will not be completed at dialed!  Phasing in the system over a few months is a good way to get everyone to know about it, but I'm with Homer, why didn't anyone tell us! :)
Posted by Jen B On Friday, January 14, 2011 No comments
They recently revamped the gas bar at Mac's in Elmvale.  Now you can 'pay-at-the-pump' with their sophisticated new pumps.
Filling up the car is something I don't mind doing. I absolutely hate the price, but the task is something I actually enjoy.  I am one of those weirdos who likes the smell of gasoline, and I also love the feeling of getting back into the car and seeing the needle go all the way up to the Full line.  I find that very satisfying.

Even though I enjoy it and I do it frequently, it is by far the blondest thing I will do in a day. (Full disclosure: I am blonde).  Part of the problem is the size of gas bars; they are often small and awkward and have many cars vying for one of the few spots.  I also find that everything feels rushed, as more cars are lining up behind you and wanting you to go faster so they can move ahead.  The blonde in me doesn't like the mixture of "go faster" and "small, awkward space"; it can make me feel flustered.  (Aside: I feel the same way at the grocery store when I am hurriedly packing my groceries into bags and there is already another person's order flying down the conveyor belt and threatening to crash into mine).

So Mac's has new gas pumps and I had my first fill up with them recently.  I first added a bottle of gas line antifreeze into the tank, so my excuse for what happened next was that my mind was focused on doing that.  I grabbed the pump and tried to put it into the tank.  I say tried because the nozzle didn't fit.  My first thought was confused/angry: 'Wow, they got new gas pumps and now the nozzles don't fit?!?"  I looked over at the pump and a bright light was blinking under the word 'DIESEL'.  Damn.  Thank goodness they make the diesel nozzle incompatible with gas tanks or I would have had to explain why I put diesel in the car.  Fortunately I just get to tell a funny story about how I tried to put diesel into the car.

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, January 13, 2011 No comments
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