I've had some muscle strain in my lower back for the past few days and I can't believe how disruptive it's been. I'm a tall girl, so my lower back often gets the short end of the stick, but this week it has really been getting in the way of being able to do things. I am trying to find the balance of moving the muscles enough, but not too much. It's most painful when I stand up or sit down, lean over, do dishes, or any movement that forces me to use those muscles. It has made me realize that I am super forgetful and constantly have to get up to get things: my tea, my book, my iPod, the phone, the remote... I'm constantly up and down.

While resting over the past few days I marathoned True Detective (only 8 episodes), which was pretty good. I also got a few books from the library that I am hoping to finish over the next few days as well. I'm trying to do fun things that don't rely on my lower back. I'm also trying to suppress any and all urges to bake yummy things. It is hard. Yesterday I made buns and did all the kitchen clean up and probably shouldn't have. So today I am reading and listening to my body and asking for help when I need it.

Pile of books to read: currently reading 'The Hunter' by Richard Stark

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6 comments


  1. Sounds like you and Ivy (Whisk) have the same ailment. Hope you're feeling better soon (and I hope I don't get it--I've had back problems in the past, so I know how much fun they AREN'T!).

    1. Definitely not fun! Thanks for the well wishes.

  2. Sometimes when I hurt like that I take a combination of braggs raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and honey. I take a little bit two times a day. The amino acids counter the effect of lactic acid buildup, and the honey makes it go down smoother. Though it is still a rough gulp.

    1. I have heard about doing stuff like that. It would be a rough gulp, that is for sure. John has a friend who drinks pickle juice to help too.

  3. I hope you're feeling better soon! You're doing the absolute right thing... sometimes we don't listen to our bodies to the point where they have to hurt us to make us sit and rest. Enjoy your down time!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes! I have read three books, so I can't complain about that. I just don't realize how routined I am about doing stuff until I can't do it.

      I slept through the night last night almost pain free, so I am on the mend. :)


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