I fought through a swarm of mosquitoes this morning in order to give my garden a good weeding. With all the rain we had overnight there were plenty of weeds to remove and I am sure I got thirty new mosquito bites for my effort. Such is life when you live near a marsh in the summer! :)
The Garden is coming along nicely. We have already eaten a few peas, beans, and made some salads from the romaine and spinach. Everything is tasting great so far!
Our herbs. The cilantro (front) has gone to flower, so we need to get some more of them started. The lavender and oregano (middle) are coming along and the basil (back) is looking great!
A pile of beans. The Buddha is hanging out in the garden too.
Peas in the pod! I don't like peas as a rule, but right out of the pod they taste amazing!
Carrots and Onions.
Pepper plants soaking up the sun.
Romaine. We have been picking off leaves and making awesome salads.
Row of Romaine. Soon to be salad. Yum.
Spinach. We weren't really paying attention and planted something called Long Standing Bloomsdale spinach. It tastes like normal spinach but it is growing really tall. I hope it puffs out and we have lots of spinach to eat.
Our Zucchinis are big! Zucchini is my favourite so I can't wait to harvest these!
We even have a Zucchini on it's way. Note to rabbits: please don't eat this!
We have some corn that is about five feet tall. Last year our corn got eaten by animals before we had a chance to try it. I hope we get a chance to sample it this year.
Our cucumbers all died, but I noticed this little guy this morning. Maybe he is going to make it after all.
Here is hoping! :)
Previous Garden 2010 Blog Posts:
Garden 2010 - Six Weeks Later
Garden 2010 - Day 12
Plants in the Ground, Plants in the Ground
How Does Your Garden Grow?