A big pile of homemade french fries.

Taco meat (made with ground turkey, black beans, mushrooms, and diced tomatoes).

Shredded cheese.

Diced purple onion.


Plain yogurt.


Posted by Jen B On Friday, June 05, 2015 4 comments
I started making some knitted toys earlier this year, then got delayed because I didn't have any stuffing to complete them. There was a bag of it around here somewhere, but after much searching I declared it officially lost.

Thanks to my Mom I am no longer stuffing free. She surprised me on a recent visit with a giant bag of it. I'm not kidding when I say giant, it is GIANT. It weighs 4lbs, and stuffing is pretty light, so that is a lot of stuffing. I will have trouble losing this one. haha!

I put the fish toy I made on the bag to showcase just how much stuffing there is and how many toys I could potentially make with it. I better get knitting!

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, June 03, 2015 3 comments
I happened on these two separate side of the road finds and I'm not entirely sure what I've found.

A different shade of green, hanging in the trees caught my eye. Is it a kite? Or maybe just a random green object that was placed in the tree? If it's a kite, sorry to the kid who lost it.

Along the side of the road I spotted this bag of goodies: Pool noodles in a garbage bag. I can't decide if a family lost their noodles on the way to the beach/cottage/etc., or if someone just chucked out their unwanted pool noodles on the side of the road. I think it's a safe bet that one might store pool noodles in a garbage bag (they get wet, right?), so I'm leaning towards them being lost by accident. If so, sorry to the kids who lost them.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, June 01, 2015 4 comments
While completing my 30x30 Nature Challenge, I blogged daily about the sights from my outdoor adventures. With the challenge over, I'm going back to my normal schedule for this year, which is Monday-Wednesday-Friday posts. I (mostly) remember to take my camera with me when I go out now, so I'll still be posting some nature photos. There is tremendous beauty around here!

Can't believe we are already at the end of May. Hope the weather is beautiful where you are.

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, May 31, 2015 4 comments
We're near the end of another May, which means the end of the 30x30 Nature Challenge. I am very happy to say I made it outside every single day! Yay! The weather has been fantastic and on the few days it rained, I made it out for my half hour of nature time without getting too soaked. The majority of my outdoor time was spent walking, but I also enjoyed some time outside reading under a tree, enjoying breakfast, or listening to the game. The next step is to keep going with the outdoor time all summer. If the weather is as good as it has been, it'll be easy to maintain these outdoor habits!

Posted by Jen B On Saturday, May 30, 2015 2 comments
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