When we were kids, the Christmas Eve tradition at our house was to have appetizers for supper. Mom would bake some Triscuits in the toaster oven that were topped with cheese and sliced green olives. So good! We'd also have a selection of chips and dips and various other snacks. I'm not sure if we ever had mini crescent dogs in those days, but as an adult, they've been added to the Christmas Eve menu.

Mini crescent dogs are really easy to make and especially easy to eat. When they are mini, three of them is equal to one hot dog. So if you don't count how many you are eating (pro tip: never count how many you are eating), you may end up having more hot dogs than you normally would in one sitting. Which is kinda the best.

Ingredients (to make 24 mini crescent dogs):
1 can Pillsbury Crescents
8 hot dogs


1. Cut your hot dogs into three equal pieces. Cut cheese into small slices, about the same size as each third of a hot dog.

2. Slice each hot dog piece about half way through and stuff with cheese.

3. Open your can of Crescent Rolls and separate into triangles.

4. Cut each triangle into three, starting from the top point of the triangle.

5. Adjust your mini triangles, so you have a nice sized edge for rolling up hot dogs.

6. Roll up your hot dogs. This recipes is very forgiving, so don't worry how they roll up.

7. Place on a parchment paper lined baking tray and bake at 375°F for 12-15 minutes.


Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 8 comments
My niece and nephew are spending the day at Grandma's (Mom's) house today, so I'm heading over with some goodies to have some Christmas fun with the kids.

Yesterday I baked some gingerbread cookies, and today we're having a cookie decorating party. My favourite part of being an Aunt is filling the kids full of treats and then returning to comfort of my own home, free of the consequences. The kids always think I'm the best...not so sure how the parents/grandparents feel. Haha!

For decorating the cookies, I got Christmas sprinkles, candy cane pieces, gum drops, smarties, milk chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, and rainbow sprinkles. Oh and three colours of frosting.

The cookies I'm taking over are Christmas trees and candy canes (made with homemade cookie cutters, of course!). I also picked up a few pre-made gingerbread men for us to decorate too. Can't wait!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, December 23, 2014 6 comments
I treated myself to a new mug to help me get into the festive spirit. I love snowmen because they are always smiling, and this guy helps me start my day with a festive smile.

Posted by Jen B On Monday, December 22, 2014 6 comments
Well it looks like it's been Rainbow week here on the blog, so I couldn't let today pass without another rainbow post. Good thing I had some photos handy of a rainbow cake I made in November for my birthday. This is a simplified rainbow cake, using only one cake mix, four layers, and one batch of Marshmallow Buttercream. For the decoration I used a 1A Wilton tip to make the top and bottom border. The "Happy Birthday" is a plastic cake topper that was originally on a Dairy Queen cake.

Posted by Jen B On Friday, December 19, 2014 7 comments
This week I've been focused on the fun rainbow themed party my friends threw for their daughter last weekend. As you know I got to make the cake and the cupcakes, but there were lots of other fun snacks and treats that fit the rainbow theme.

Rainbow Fruit Tray

Rainbow Veggie Tray

Assorted Rainbow Treats

Rainbow Cupcakes on display

The works!


Rainbow Stuffed Animals!
Not pictured: the hosts also fed us a meal of tri-colour (rainbow) pasta with fresh grated cheeses and flavoured olive oils and a rainbow salad that had purple cabbage, green spinach, and yellow corn. Very nice!

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, December 18, 2014 4 comments
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