So it snowed on the weekend. It was just a few flurries on Saturday morning, but it's Spring and it's April and I'm so very over it. We always get a little bit of snow in April, but it often falls on the green grass to remind us we live in Canada. This year, it fell on snow from January that never left! I took some photos to show you just how much snow is still kicking around. The April photos are compared to those taken in January.

January 7th, 2014
April 5th, 2014

January 7th, 2014
April 5th, 2014

January 7th, 2014
April 5th, 2014

The good news (that I have a hard time trusting) is that it was 10°C (50°F) and sunny yesterday, and it is supposed to reach that high again today. If the sunny/warm days continue, all this snow could actually melt away. What a joy to think about!

Posted by Jen B On Monday, April 07, 2014 8 comments
Mom and I were brainstorming places to have lunch in Barrie, and after reviewing a few menus online, we finally decided on Moose Winooski's. I'd been there once before in high school (don't ask how long ago that was, please), but never made it back. Mom also remembers going an equally long time ago, so we were both looking forward to checking it out. After our fantastic meal there, we both said out loud "Why haven't we been coming here? It's sooooo good!" We can't wait to go back, and when we do, we'll definitely be ordering this kick ass poutine.

These were some of best tasting sweet potato fries I have ever eaten. Crispy and flavourful on their own, they were made even better by being covered in cheese, bacon, and ranch sauce. And the bacon was some of the best I've had in a long while. It was so smoky and full of flavour.... So good. All the tastes on this plate were just perfect together. Did I tell you I can't wait to go back?

Posted by Jen B On Friday, April 04, 2014 4 comments
A few weeks ago we went to Bryan and Betony's for taco night. An invitation for dinner with friends is always welcome, and if that dinner is tacos, I am all the happier. I have it bad for tacos.

An adorable thing I do while eating tacos is exclaim: "I think these are the best tacos I've ever had." The tacos are always the same, always equally good, but I just love them so much that I think every taco is the best taco I've ever had. Having said that, it is quite possible that the tacos we had at B + B's, might have actually been the best tacos I've ever had.

Here were the highlights:
  • Taco beef cooked with taco seasoning, a jar of salsa, and a squirt of 1000 Islands dressing
  • Hard tacos wrapped in soft tacos using refried beans as the glue
  • Delicious homemade guacomole
  • Thick, amazing sour cream
  • Giant tacos loaded with awesomeness - I could only eat two but wanted ALL of them
Best tacos I ever had.

I thought about those tacos for days after, and then had to recreate them at home. We have re-done our meal plan to include two nights of these amazing tacos (leftovers for the win!) and we are looking into recipes to make our own refried beans. I might even have a go at soft tacos again, especially if I'm going to eat these every week...because obvioulsy I'm going to.

Here are the ones we tried at home. Forever thanks to B+B for their extensive knowledge of all that is delicious.
Refried beans on a soft taco (tortilla)

Soft tacos wrapped around hard tacos -- the best!

My filled tacos. This was day 2, so the guacamole was already all eaten

Holy crap these are so good! I want to eat them every day!

Posted by Jen B On Thursday, April 03, 2014 6 comments
I finally watched Frozen and really enjoyed it. It was not only a good movie, but a great movie musical. The songs were so much fun and added so much emotion to the film. My current obsession is "Let it Go", as performed by Queen Elsa (Idina Menzel). I have yet to make it through the entire song without my eyes getting wet, it is just so damn good. I am totally blown away by Idina Menzel's voice. She is just so amazing.

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 4 comments
I bought myself a present and it is pie related.

I've been making a lot of pies lately and sometimes the edges of the crust will brown way faster than the pie cooks, so you have to cover them in foil to keep them from burning. I quickly realized that using foil to do this is really finicky, and also kinda burny, as I'm usually wrapping the edges while the pie plate is already hot.

This novice pie maker did some Googling and learned that they have a thing for that: pie crust shield! The one I got is silicone, adjustable to multiple sizes of pie, and the reviews on Amazon were pretty good so I went for it. I figure if I'm in my pie making years, this new toy is going to get a lot of use over the next while.
My new pie crust shield
How it works (click to enlarge)
The total circumference of the pie shield laid end to end
Placed on my 8 inch, rimmed, glass pie plate
Placed on a tin pie plate from store bought pie crust
Now I have a great excuse to make a pie!

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2 comments
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