The recipe I used for the sweet potato pie was excellent, but it had a lot more steps than my usual pumpkin pie. The thing I love most about a pumpkin pie is just how easy it is to make. Whisk the few ingredients together in a bowl. Pour into a pie shell. Done.
I wondered if sweet potato pie could be just as easy.
So I did an experiment where I made my usual easy pumpkin pie recipe, but used sweet potato puree instead of pumpkin puree. I really hoped that it would bake and taste the same, as sweet potatoes are cheap and available year round. If it tasted awesome, I would never have to buy canned pumpkin puree again.
Not only did this substitution work, it worked awesome! The pie was easy to make, tasted great, and because the sweet potatoes are a little sweeter than pumpkin, no whipped cream was needed for the top. Just completely perfect on its own. Rad. So from now on, all pumpkin pies will be sweet potato pie.
'Easy as Pumpkin Pie' Sweet Potato Pie, recipe slightly adapted from Eagle Brand.
2 cups sweet potato puree (about 3 small sweet potatoes or 1.5lbs)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2 eggs
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp salt
1 unbaked pie crust (9 inch)
To make sweet potato puree, steam sweet potatoes until soft. Cool slightly, then add to food processor and puree until smooth.
In a large bowl, add sweet potato puree, spices, sweetened condensed milk, and eggs. Mix with a whisk until blended.
Pour into pie crust.
Bake for 15 minutes in 425°F oven. Turn oven down to 350°F and continue baking for 35-40 minutes. Pie is done when knife inserted 1 inch from crust comes out clean.