We are a few months away from the third anniversary of purchasing our used car. We are also coming up on the car's tenth birthday. Our Mazda Protege is the first car I ever bought, I still love it immensely, and we are doing what we can to maintain it so we can keep driving it.

We purchased our car on a tip from a Mazda mechanic friend of my brother's, who let us know about a car his friend was selling. We got a super deal and a trusted mechanic in the process, and have been taking our car to Mazda for service and repairs ever since. We sometimes go to specialist mechanics (Tirebuster for tires) but we really love the service at Mazda, and they have a 'service rewards' program so all of our repairs usually end with a free oil change coupon.

We had an exhaust leak over the past few months, which presented itself in both sound and heavy exhaust fumes in and around the car. We booked a diagnostic last Monday for Mazda to check it out and they provided me with some pretty stellar customer service. Instead of advising that Mazda fix our muffler (of which they quoted me parts starting at $500 and labour that would add many more dollars to that), they recommended I go to a muffler repair place, and gave me directions to the one they trusted. They even told me to use them as a reference and said: "this is the most cost effective way for you to repair your vehicle". It blew me away that they recommended a more cost effective repair than they could offer, especially since that meant they were recommending I give my money to someone else!

So I took directions and went to Carline Muffler, who were able to check out my car within half an hour and fix it in about the same time. They quoted me "about sixty bucks", which sounded much better than the upwards of $1000 repair job I was looking at through Mazda. Plus everyone was super nice and I've now made some muffler mechanic friends, which will come in handy as my car continues to age. The muffler mechanic also noticed that I had a fuel leak, though he couldn't tell where it was coming from and recommended I get it checked out. He even let me know he had to remove my muffler to weld it "safely", as welding under a car with a gas leak is pretty dangerous.

So my inexpensive muffler repair directed me towards a new problem. So the excessive exhaust smell in the car was actually the exhaust leak AND a gas leak. Double the fun.

With my muffler repaired, I stopped it at Mom and Dad's to figure out my next car repair move. Dad recommended I go to The Gas Tank Doctor, a specialist mechanic he trusted. It was a little after 4pm, but I gave them a call and asked if they could check it out (they closed at 5), and they told me to "come on over".

Turns out fuel is leaking from the seam of the gas tank and we need a new one. Everyone was really nice and I was quoted a good price from my new gas tank mechanic friend. All told, the muffler repair and the gas tank replacement are going to be cheaper than the original muffler repair quote that Mazda steered me away from. How about that. I'm taking the car over this afternoon and I'm looking forward to driving it home with that new "doesn't smell like gas fumes" car smell.

I have to say that everyone who helped me or offered advice last Monday was super nice and doing their best to save me money. I know as my car ages I will have to periodically take it in for repairs, and it is very comforting to know I have a number of different mechanics that I can trust (and who are also super nice!). I know they can help me keep this car running for as long as possible.

Gary liked the car repair deals too. She had a nice nap on the receipts.
Posted by Jen B On Monday, July 22, 2013 4 comments

Somehow this photo was taken five years ago. Somehow this precious little baby is now five years old. How did this happen!?! This is my niece Liz and she is pretty amazing. This is a photo of her wondering what the hell just happened, as she is only about three hours old. Now she is five. I don't remember five years passing. And I especially don't remember being five years older. Maybe there is some sort of time distortion thing happening. I will look into it.

However it may have happened, I'm wishing this sweet little girl a wonderful 5th birthday!

Posted by Jen B On Sunday, July 21, 2013 4 comments

I don't eat out that often anymore, but food like this makes me wish I did. I was running errands in Barrie on Monday which ended with Mom and I spontaneously going to Applebee's. We must go there more often than I think, as I earned a free meal on my frequent diners card. Win! I was going to get something expensive for my free meal, but I saw the picture of the Tuscan Portobello Burger and had to have it. I love the flavour of the burgers at Applebee's, and this one was topped with giant pieces of portobello mushrooms, swiss cheese, bacon bits, sundried tomato mayo, and (my favourite) onion strings.

Perhaps I will have to fill a new frequent diners card with more of these!

This post is part of Big Dude Likes Food #FoodPornFriday link up. Feel free to head on over to his blog and link up an awesome food post!
Posted by Jen B On Friday, July 19, 2013 6 comments

There is a Chihuahua in my house!
John's sister is getting married on Saturday, so she and her bride to be flew in from Vancouver on Monday night with their dog Alex. They've rented a cottage and are getting it set up for the wedding, and they left this little guy to run around our house. John just loves him.

Alex is a great little dog. He is so quiet and easy going. He is also smaller than Gary, which is pretty adorable to witness. Speaking of which, this is the look Gary gave when Alex came into her space:

"Are you guys serious??" Don't worry Gary, it's just for a few days. Alex and Gary have met before and she is actually really easy going around him. She's not scared or territorial, mostly just curious about who is running around trying to eat her food.

I think they are going to be good buddies.

Posted by Jen B On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9 comments

Numbers are pretty cool. I like when they line up in fun ways, like when the time is 12:34pm or the date is 11/12/13. It's fun. I knew I had a string of numbers coming up on my odometer, and with a trip to Barrie yesterday, I knew it was going to happen. I was ready with my camera and a mental note of how many KM I had left before I hit it.

I had about 19 km to go when I left Mom's last night. I Google mapped where that would put me on my drive home, and kept my eye on the odometer. About 2 km from the number string, I turned down a side road and drove out of the way for a klick, feeling far more comfortable taking pictures on a lightly traveled side road than on the main highway. If you were driving around Fergusonvale last night, I was the one on the side of the road taking photos of her dashboard.

Here it my Number Nerd string in all it's glory:

I learned about Number Nerd being a thing from Anne Wheaton, so obviously I had to tweet her my photo. The following is her response, which I love forever.

Isn't life fun?

Posted by Jen B On Tuesday, July 16, 2013 8 comments
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