Holy crap it is June! I had been complaining about the prolonged winter so much that June sort of snuck up on me. June means almost half the year is gone, and that fact is forcing me to check in with myself and make sure I'm on track with where I want to be.
Earlier this year I changed my blog around and got more social with it. I am really happy to have new blog followers and new friends on Twitter and Google+; it has been great to meet everyone. Because blogging is what this is all about, I want to motivate myself to do it more, and my plan for June is to blog every single day. Goal set!
I love blogging, but I'm often too much of a procrastinator to sit at the computer and actually write. So I'm setting myself a real live goal! Thirty days in June = thirty blog posts. I got inspired recently by Ivy over at The Happy Whisk, who set herself a goal and awesomely blogged 36 times in May. Holy crap that is a lot of blog posts! Even when she was tired she did it anyway. That is my plan too!!
To help me reach my goal, I printed out a calendar for June and wrote in potential blog ideas for all thirty days. I am so proud of myself for getting organized and am really excited to post some things I have neglected. I even went through my Blogger drafts folder and found twenty posts in there! Some of them were just titles with no content, but some were actually real posts that just didn't get finished or edited or posted for whatever reason. This 30 day blog challenge will encourage me to get writing, get editing, and get posting!
Also, if I reach my blogging goal, at the end of June I will have over 300 posts on this here blog. And June 2013 will mark the most posts that I have ever written in one month. How cool will that be?!
So please join me over the next 30 days as I chew bubblegum and kick ass* through this Blogging Quest of Awesome!
*I'm all out of bubblegum
Earlier this year I changed my blog around and got more social with it. I am really happy to have new blog followers and new friends on Twitter and Google+; it has been great to meet everyone. Because blogging is what this is all about, I want to motivate myself to do it more, and my plan for June is to blog every single day. Goal set!
I love blogging, but I'm often too much of a procrastinator to sit at the computer and actually write. So I'm setting myself a real live goal! Thirty days in June = thirty blog posts. I got inspired recently by Ivy over at The Happy Whisk, who set herself a goal and awesomely blogged 36 times in May. Holy crap that is a lot of blog posts! Even when she was tired she did it anyway. That is my plan too!!
To help me reach my goal, I printed out a calendar for June and wrote in potential blog ideas for all thirty days. I am so proud of myself for getting organized and am really excited to post some things I have neglected. I even went through my Blogger drafts folder and found twenty posts in there! Some of them were just titles with no content, but some were actually real posts that just didn't get finished or edited or posted for whatever reason. This 30 day blog challenge will encourage me to get writing, get editing, and get posting!
Also, if I reach my blogging goal, at the end of June I will have over 300 posts on this here blog. And June 2013 will mark the most posts that I have ever written in one month. How cool will that be?!
So please join me over the next 30 days as I chew bubblegum and kick ass* through this Blogging Quest of Awesome!
*I'm all out of bubblegum